The Gavelyte, December 1914

2 l 1 , CAVELYTE PROFESSOR F. A. JURKAT, A. M. Professor Frank Albert Jurkat was born in :New Galilee, Beaver county, Pa., September 19~ 1876. He received h is education in the public schools of his native Yillage 1882-'89, Greersburg Academy 188·9-'91, and Franklin College, 1 ,ew Athens, Ohio, 1891-'95. He en– ter ed the latter instituUon a s a Freshman and graduated with first honor s, receiving the degree of Bachelor of Arts; also receiving tb e degree of Master of Arts three years later. In college he was an in– defatigable worker in the renowned 1Philosoph ic literary society. During hi.s senior year he was an instructor in the College, and before his graduation in 1895, he was elect- ed by the •Board of Trustees of Cedarville College to the professorship he holds at present, that of German and ,Hif'– tory. Professor Jurkat is a close observer and a wide reader of books. By twelve years of age he had read the large history of the world by John Clark R ldpatb consi:;:ting of several volumes and had its facts at his tongue's end. He is conversant with English, German, French, Latin, Greek, and Hebrew. His special knowledge in history •