The Gavelyte, December 1914

CEDARVILLE COLLEGE 3 and German together with his general knowledge in other s ubjects makes of him a scholar of high rank and hould justly en t itle him to a pO!'ition in any of our higher institutions of lear ning. For several years Professor Jurkat has been the efficient r egis– t1 ar of the facu:ty and the capable treasurer of "The Corporation of Cedan<lle College." Upon the removal of the R. P . Seminary to Cedanille. he was made prcfessor of Hebrew and Chu rch iHis– to:·y and secretary of the seminary faculty. The local R. P. congregation honored him as superin tend en t of its Sabbath school for two years; and he has been secretary of the r..,n°regat:ca for the last seventeen years. The General Synod elected him some years ago editor-in-ch ief of The Advocate, whose e,ditorials on current events would do credit Lo any I eligious paper in our country. Professor Jurkat was married August 26, 1903, to Miss Alice }1arguerite Bromagem. Elmer, their only child, has a splendid 1 ecord in the public ,chools and promises to repeat the talen ts of h is rarcnts. The nineteen years of Professor Jurkat's service in t he Co lle,ge and community have been most successful and have enr ich ed t h e community by a consistent upright life as well. Philadelphian Literary Society. One of the first discoveries made by the new tu den ts shor tly after the opening of the college year was that of two literary so– cieties-the Ph'1o and Philosophic. The poor "Freshies" wer e held ~P arnl Eometime« almost waylaid, first by a Philo, then by a Philo– so])hic·. and sometimes by both. 'But the motive and cry of each was: ".Join our society; it's the best!" But now as the crisis is over and as I am not the judge, I cannot conscientiously say which society the ]Jest. But at all events the Philos succeeded in roping in the mo:t rww members. This sounds good, but not n arly as gooa as th e rfmal'k made lJy one of the big Seniors in h is conv rsation with a Fn, h il•: S<>nior 'Our JJ!'Ogram last night was the best that has ev r been r.h Pll inc·P Lhe Philo Society hai,; J1're hiE: "Say, how lone; l!a\'e 'I hi, followillg i: a fair Pxampl , or· Pty: ueen organir. cl." rou been coming to of the Senior talent college?" in t'he Phil o