The Gavelyte, December 1914

CEDARVILLE. COLLEGE 5 The literary society offers a pleasant an'dr profitable avenue for the expression of your spare time and energy. 'So tak e advant age of the opportun;ty. Develop your literary talents and learn how to ex– press your opinions in public. It will be beneficial in aft er years, for in every walk of life men and women are called upon to give Yoice to their opinions on this or that question. And wnether or not the:r opinions are accepted, depends largely upon the manner of their J)rEsentation. So in the future, members, tak e h eed and grasp upon the opportunities that your societies offer you and be mo re punctual with your productions. Exchanges. 'iYe wish to acknowledge the receipt of the following exchanges during thE' past month: The, Argus, The Collegian, Purple and Gold.. :.\fonmouth Oracle, The Antiochian, The Sodalian, T he Otterbein Aegis, The Tiger, The Black and Magenta and The Iri s. Pl eas9 send in your Exchanges if you are not in this list. "SEND 'IT IN." If you have a bit of news, send it .i n ; O:r a joke that will amuse, send it in . .A story that is true, an incident that's new– 'I.Ye want to hear from you-send it in ! 1 ever mind about your style, If it's only worth the while, Send it in. , rm your story make us laugh, sen:d it in , '."\'ill it make a paragraph, send it in. If some good your words can teach, Tf rnme di stant reader reach, If you have a glowing speech- Send it in. -The Collegian. "Here a little, there a little Story, classic note, song or jest; If you want a good school paper, Eaeh of you must do your best." -The Antiochian. " aid A 2 U I C U R InclinPd 2 B A J; Said n 2 u Continued on Page 7.