The Gavelyte, December 1914

CEDARVILLE COLLEGE 7 Continued from page 5. Ur mind I C Shows signs of slight D K!" -Ex. Visitor-"Do you support your college paper?" Student-"No, it has a staff." ___JEJx. Freshman ( writing to father)-"Dear dad, send me $500. Money ma"ke · tl:e mare go." Father ( by return mail-"Yours received. Inclosed $50. That ought to be enough for a jackass." GERMAN TELEGRAM. (Associate Press to The Gavelyte.) -Ex. :eerEn, Germany, Nov. 26-The Germans have taken !Pilsner, and haYe now surrounded DelicatessEn where the Wurst is expected. The Belgian Hares had a falling out with the Welsh Rarebits, and the S .viss Cheese is shot full of holes. This will make the Irish Stew and the English Mustard hot; it may cause a Swiss Movement •Watch. The Spanish Onions are strong for a mix-up, and if the Home ,Pre– sen-es are called out and spread over the German Noodles, they may Ketchup with the Navy Beans, thereby causing an uprising of the Brus"els Sprouts. "REUTER," Staff Reporter. "Are you Hungary?" "Yes, Siam." "Come on then I Figi Turkey."-Ex. Alumni '97 Rev. and Mrs. Gorbold, Kioto, Japan, received a call from )1r. and :\1rs. Lanning '] 2, who were enroute to their new home in China. 1 1 0 doubt a pleasant evEning would be spent by these Alumni of C. C. '02 Miss Mary Ervin was recently elected the National 'Superin– tendent of L. T. L. work. She has ibeen the state superintendent of the temperance work among the young people of Ohio for some time, and the larger position comes to her as a just recognition of her faith– fulness in th work. '03 ,\Jr. S. C. \\'right returned about the first of December from a trip thrnugb Jnjiana and Illinois in the interest of the Endowment Ji und of the Colleg . For further details see an article by Mr. Wright on anoth r page of The Gavelyte. '04 11!:s Carrie Rife entertained at her home, near Clifton, on the afternoon of November tw nti th in honor of Miss Grace Ritchie, Continued on page 13.