The Gavelyte, February 1908

'l'H ~; I~.'\\' ~~I, Y'l't•:, experienced :-in<'e and probably still j Since our last issue Rev. Clarence have in store fnr us. They were ex- Young, of Philadelphia, has been perienced under different circum- called here because of the death of stances ~n<l abo when we were not his grandmother, Mrs..}. D. Wil– seemi ng-ly prPpared to meet them. I liamson. \~~ havP met nncl ov_ercome them and I Miss Minnie Ritenour has been mar- garned thereby, malung us the more i ried recently. Conaratulations. prepared for like events in the futur~. I 0 Re\'. Robert .Wil,rnn has accepted a II J 30 th th · 1 1 b t d t ·he . an. . e g1r s ce e ra e call to Hanna City Ill. I l f · · · . ' . . . I reurn of eap year )Y urn1shmg a Rev. Alvm Orr, of Philadelphia, vis- I splendid evenina of entertainment to ited his parents here last week. J the soys. ; lu;h seerecy had been Rev. William r;raham is visiting 'I observed mong the girl~, so the boys Mrs. Graham's parents, Mr. and Mrs. understood there was "something do-· Wm. Iliffe. Rev. Graham says that I ing" but what was actuall\7 "doina'' I ' J b he will locate in Yellow Springs on J took many by surprise. The affair was graduating from the seminary in the I held at Tarbox's and every enllf'ge spring. boy who was able to walk ;: accom- We have received the foll~wing I panied by an escort, i.e. a young lady. from Prof. Shaw, of Paintsville, Ky. I There the evenin~ passed swiftly anti Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Shaw ! pleasantly, the girls being givf'n the. at home at Paintsville, Kentucky, '! opportunity to show the yonng men after January 20, 1908. how they should propose, and at a Ray always did queer thi~gs. w.e I J~te hour, the couples_ reti:ed. The think he has capped the chmax this l girls have scored heavily thts JNll" lty time. The Alumni and c;avelytf' con- l their work in the social liff. gratulate. , Instead of "Archibalrl" it iR now MiRR Marie c;a,rlough JR viRiting in 1 "fhhy'' Creswell b€'cause he endPav- Xenia. . . 1 ored to call up a girl in Columbus and \Ve w1Rh to thank the alnmm mem- 1 when hei askNl if (;-- wa. tlwre IH'l'B who have so kindly rf'sponded l was answered by "yes." "Tell lif'r to with articles. Let others do likewise I come to the phorw, pleasr." Hac·k that they may receire thankR too. , came the answer: ' ·1 have 0nly 11nP ~larl'lhall Bros. vi:.:itf'd rP!ativf:,; at i (; -- and Hhe is only thrf'f' )'t-'nr:.: ~ 1 ,rirw Vallev thP ninth of this mont.·h. old. RO of cotHSf' she can't. romf' 11111\' .'', ,.. • I