The Gavelyte, February 1908

·S 0 ~ . I ~ r.- ' f s Philosophic. j lege should require each student to The meetings of the _last few weelis j deliver a specified number of literary have heen thP best this school year.\ productions each term and if he did The members srem to have awake ned not that he would not receive credit to the fact that it was rlo or die, and I for the other work done that term. have been taking a more active in- 1 After the introduction of this bill terest i_n the prog_rams. All we haV.e j thent was an able discussion by sever– to say is to keep 1t up and there will : al notably, Messrs. Spahr, he no need of knocking. ' Blair and Henderson. When the I Philadelphian. 1 question was put to vote it was de- The Philos have been ho~cling busi- j fe~ted by a decicle~ majority. Aft~r ness meetings lately and report that ! this Mr. Confarr introduced a bill good work is being done. If business !provicling for joint literary mP-etings meetin2"S are conducted in the right \ of the two snc:ieties for the rest of manner they are mm~t instructive. I t~e yea1~, but it \:~s decided to con– But come, Philos, let's have the good I sider this proposition at the rPgnlar old literary mt>Ptings we userl to have 1 , meetings of the two societies. Joint Society Meeting. Y. M. C. A. I A joint literary Rociety meeting I On Tuesday, Februat y 11th, a jury was held in C'hapel Tuesday, ~'ehruary i of nine me1i sat and deHberatrd on 11th. The main subject f,ir <liscrn:;- \ the fate of the College Young Men's sion was the Wai<le bill. Thi:-; bill \Christian Association. Any one who prod<les that the farnlty of the rol- : may have seen their solemn fares •