The Gavelyte, February 1908
I Local News. ! What was Prof. Fitz's fortune whf'n 1 he hacl it tolcl the otlwr night? Subscribe for THE GAVELYTE. , Stu,lent in C. C.- I cli,l not stncly What N,L~ th ,~ m ttter with Watt at I this, professor. Columbus? ('hilhaim; or corns? j Prof. Allen-You don't need to tf'll ~o f th . 1 1 us. We could tell that. On .Jan. :, , one o e g1r s 1 of thP PhysicR dass haj a bad i You have a new local editor. He case of the blues. Rome one suggest- I tries the journalist's work for the ed that she "Brace up and be a man". ·, first in the Gavelyte. Help him make She replied: 'Tm going to try it to- a success of his locals by either tell– night. Moral-- to girls: Never get Jing him news, or writing anything of the hlues unlf'ss it is leap year and ' interest, either to yourself or to then be men. others. At the rec·ent Bachelors' spread at We see J no. Stewart is making his ~pahr's, ,Joe Finney had a sad mishap. I m~rk in the world. Mostly on Mc– Nearly tore up the f~nCP,,}roke the 1 1 Chesney's chairs, however. cement, etc. He said, from the O F .d J 31 t 1 1 · · h . 1 n 1 n ay, . anuarv . s , t 1e , ay cond1t1on of my clot es I guess I w1I f p . f . C JI • R O . M'd . d'' , o raye1 or o eges, ev. t. r 1 - have to get marne . 1• • dleton, of Cedarville, preached the Bd Shaw also tore. · sermon to the college students. His Waide almost tore - the air with I sermon was fuH of eloquent advice hi<leous noises, in fact it was only and uplifting- thought, and we. cer– :saved till 11 :30 when the entire club I tainly are greatly indebted to Dr. helped the lonely one. Middleton for the influence he hag Prof. Alle.n was sit k the :M inst. ' had upon our minJs an<l our hearts. lleQ1emher Prof., the goorl dit> yonng. 1 If pre'~ to y r nr ripe old age. ~nigglefritz! "Bub''! Fitz is wearing a big, hroarl smile I Allen (in 8ociolog·y)- ~Ir. 8pahr. I now-a-days. \V\y ·? Because ''\ah'' I what is mfant by "polis''? work has startfd in chemiRtry and he I Spahr Poultice? I . didn't rr :1d nf can count at least one d,lllar a day I any poulticf'. Wh~t kind wa,.; it, breakage . All th-ings an 1 (·oming mn::;tarrl? hi:- way nl)W. . \lien (rlisgnste<lly, ~ext.
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