The Gavelyte, February 1908
17 ---------- --·---·---- ohe Reign of F a d s . HY Mrns AHA ALLEN. SPated upon a magnificient high I one we may name the old-bndgr fad. throne is a granrl kine: robed in his i How many of ns have notieed on th<'I purplt• garmPnt glittering with jrwel:-;. j walls of our grandfather's home a On hi. ht'arl. is a golden crown and I great case with glass doors. Nor in his hand the sceptre which he / have we forgqtten how, as children, wields ovrr all his subjects. This I we enjoyed sitting by and having ruler is a young· man. He has just these shown to us, as we heard from retently HSC'(.'ndPrl the throne. But j grandfather, himself, tbe story of he was prrcederl by his father and I ea:ih little piece of blne or yellow hid grandfather and other ancestors i ribbon with its gilt lette1· or p.ictures. who have been ruling for a11;es. J Another fad closely associated with You have already heard thP name nf this is the collecting of old and his R,:yal Highness for Hi::,; ~ilajt:>sty ! !'ort>ign coins. Some people have been is kno\\'n far anrl wide as King l•'ad. I so under the power of this gr1:>at But let us inquire into his ch,1rac- king that tlwy have been made to ter a littlf. Very pecnliar traits has I pay enormous prices in present-day this great personage. At one time I coin for a two or three cent piece he HPeks dilig·nitly for. one small I of the Revolutionary time. Akin to thing a. if that were of ,ill impor- ! th~se two i,;; the collecting of stamps I tance in Jiff. In a few \,·eeks ht• / from different placrs and countriPs. may ha\'e forgotten that great ohjt'l't / A fad of the pre;::ent day which entirely and is pursning an_other as I seems to us a little more sensible is _earnestly. His namr has g-reat signi- j the post-card !'ad. Only about six or firancP, for the worrl fad impliPs a I seven years ago such a thing as a whimsical, freakish naturr. I souvellir post-card \\'as almost un– ''\Vhat is the extent of our rult->r'.-; known to us. How we prize lihat kingdom?" you inquire. !Li.-; rlornin- first card sent by some friend in a - -inn rlofs not rea('h from st>a t,1 sea, I city! How we siiuwed it to hut whf>n \\'e ·pass O\'Pl' the boundary I our comp,rnions alld our neighbors as !in" it is only to find sr1me oLlwr I tlwy ('ame in! But to-day every nH,rnlier nf this i-amP L1111ily up1>n I mail c-arrit's hunrlreds of these same t lw thr<nw. ! rards and they may he found in variP- .\ fad of -if'\'Pr,d yPill':,; :1g,1 w:1.J ty ,inywlwrP from th<-' hr:-111tifnl srrn-
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