The Gavelyte, February 1909
Jfp tore it opPn, glanced at the hearlin~ and signature and read: .........Ohio, .Jan. 4th ......... . William Connor J1y De~tl' .Jack: - HellP, old boy, how are you? I did not know where you had taken yourself off to, till I was look– ing over a liRt of the Dakota Missionari'3s and noticed your name. I intendeu to write sooner but did not find the time. I would like to see you and ask you a few questions but I guess I will have to writ,e them if I wi'h to have them answered. First, I would like to know what pos8essed you to throw Dorothy over the way you did? Why, man, you nearly killed her and in fact she i' not over it yet. That George ewcomer tried to in– duce her to ac'.·ept him but she would have nothing to do with him. I always tried to blame Dorothy for it, hecaase I never thought you would be guilty of rnch a crime but I have recently come to believe that there was some other person that must have had something to do with it. ow, old boy, if you love her as you once did, you will straighten out the tangl1::. Dorothy still lives with her father and mother on the old farm and she is as lwautiful as ever, altho there is a sad expres:;ion about hPr face that )'OU cannot help but noticP; and if your name is ever mentionPrl, she will lt>ave the room. Say Jack, can't you come ont and give me a visit and tell DIP all aboQt it; and possibly 1t can ue straightenerl out. Let me hrar from you so11n, Your olu chu:n, BIIJ, As .JaC'k finished rPading this letter, lw forgot everything, forgot t>ven Lhat his firP was going 011t, till thP incrpa,-.i11g (·old brought. 1nm to hi:; ;:;enses. ThP nPxt morning i<Pes his eot tage d~se1 tt:>d, his it0ny haR l,epn given t.o one of the nPighhor.s, a te\pgr.arn ::;ent tq Bill, and Uraham is ahoard thf' faRtest train for the East. BuL how :low thP rninute,; pas:-, evPry minute'.s dt:>lay St:>ems u11bearnlile. But there is an end to every thing and after a four days journey Jw tinds himself, late 'aturday Pvening, in his old college town, shaking hands with Bill. ~unday morning hP worships in his llld rhnrch and how familiar rvn_r
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