The Gavelyte, February 1909

CEDARVILLE COLLEGE. 30 ----··· ··--- thing . eem~. al tho the minister is strange and the young folks, whom he had once known had grown into manh0od and womanhood. But, there were the old profpssorR and, yes, there was Dorothy ::;itting beside her old father and mother and as pretty as of yore. I am afraid .Jack did not hear much of the sermon but we can readily forgive him under the circumstances. After church he did not lose much timP in making himself known and was of cour~e invited out to the old farm for dinner. We will not relate all that happened after this, but :uffice it to ,ay, the tangle was straightened and the old love found to be as warm as ever. It was two wePks before .Jack returned to his fit->ld of labor but the ti me did not. drag a' before and the sad exµres ion had departed from his face. He then returned t.) his people whom he had come to love, deter- ,, mined to carry on his work with greater sincerity than before; and his heart wa~ greatly touched l.Jy the reception his people gave in honor of his bride and every one for mile:; around both y<iung and old e.ime to l:'ee the girl whose hat:d the REv. Jack Graham had won; and from that time forward Dorothy was the pride of the parish and loved by all, who saw or came in c >ntact with her, as much as was her devoted husband . Athletics. E. B. M'CLELLAN, EDITOR. A,- this is thP Mid-Winter season and there are no chances for out-door , ports, attention is naturally turned to hasht-ball, and the spirit i_n thi s line has· been running high thi:-l season, perhaps more particularly in con– nection with the games with .Jamestown High School, which has claimed the championship of the county for two years. L~st year it was imoossiliie to per, uade th .... rn t<) e.ome to Cedarvillfl to play under any consideration, but on .Jan. 12th, to our surpri"e, they came, they saw-we conquered (SO to 9). Although we thought we could beat them, from the opinion which they had <,f them elvP., \\ e expected a close game but. thPy prn,·ed the easiPst mark of the st->;1son. The game was a little rough duP to the fact that the teams wi:>re suc·h rivalis. Willi:cim s<, n, our center, proved to l,i, the star at goal to . ing, throwing 12 goals. The rP~t were as follows: ft'iPlds, l. f., G; Mc– ('l,,llan, r . f., :~; Confarr, I. g., 2; Watt,, r. g.,; Confarr, fouli:; .J.. r,~o r .James-