The Gavelyte, February 1909

THE <;A VELYTE, t1>wn: Smith. r. f, 2;. 8tonrr, I g., l; :::;mith, r. g; Clark, c; Paullin, I. f.; Smith, 3 foul~ . On Jan. 23rd about 300 people gathered to sPe the game between Cerl– arville anrl Earlham . This was no doubt the best exhibition of haskPt-ball wit nPSSt>d in Ceda rville for some time. The team:-i were well matched but being on Lheir h<ime floor, of course Cedarville had a little the advantage. The ga_me was fast throughout but the best ph,ying was dflne in the first half. Goals: Williamson 6, Fields 4, McClellan 3, Confarr 1, Watt 1, Con– farr 8 fouls. For Earlham: Hotchkiss, r. f, 4; Corrad . I. f., 2; ReP3, I. f., 2; Tebbits, I. g., 7 fouls; Cornell, r. g. Score --Cedarvilli->, 38; Earlham, 2~. .Jan . 26th, our boys went to Jamestown to give them anothn def<•at, but the local team waR eqnally determined on victory. A large crowd of rooters acc0mpanied our team but their support could not bring victory. The game was very rlose throughout, one team being nhead and then the other, but when time was called, the score stood 26 to 22 in favor of James- . town. The small score madP by CPdarville was due largely to the fact that the room was very narrow and the c':liling low - with two teams on the floor there is hardly room for anything else. Ogan, at r. f., starred for James– to\\11 making 5 goals and 6 fonk Ferguson, I. f, O; Stoner. I. g., 2; Smith, r. g, 1; Clark, c., 0. Cedarville: McClellan 4, Williamson 2, Fit>lds 1, Watt 1. Confarr 6 foub . Earlham, likP .JameRtown, Rought revenge for the game they lost at Cedarville so on Feb. 5th, C. C bunch left for the H0osier state t.i mt>et the Quakers on their own floor and it was not the fltJor this time but sevt->ral other thini;!s rntPrPd into making tlw RC'ore 51 f11r Earlham anri lfi for Ct-d– arville. Tlw principle difficnlt.y waR due to the fact that difft-renr. rulPs were uRrd in this game. Although we had agrt>ed to play that way we did . not realizl:' what a diffl:'rence it would make but WP know now. Tht> g·ame Rtarterl at 8:80 and in lPRs than tw,) minutes the ~core was 3 to O for C. t '.., l,ut not to stay that way . The first half endPd 1 to 9 for Earlham. The sec– ond half start<>d off at a li\'e)y gait and ab,,ut the middle of it, 8Mlham ran in four freRh men and of course the:a:p madt> it more lively. The Earlham team was d1stinguishPd hy its big centt-->r bPsirie whom our cPnter looked like a small boy . But althl)ugh defeated, our b1>y-, h-ari a gond time. lioals made by Earlham: Rees, I. f., 9; Swain,(;., 8; Hotchkiss, r. f ., 3; Tebbitts, I. g., 3; Cornell I g., 1; Hancock, r. g.; fouls, 'l'ebbits 2, Hotchkiss 1. For Cedarville: McClellan 4, Willia:nson 1, Confarr 5 fouls.