The Gavelyte, February 1909

The Rolwr Rec0nd thought of the Californians a:3sertLd it elf, and th~ rnea:-; ures were voted down. ~ear1while banty Pvada has taken up the fig-ht [ l.nd pas:3ed a law forbidding a Jap to own J_and in thJt_ state. . Th e Gorn(:>Z family i:3 well represented now m the Latin republics and we ~hall likely hec.1r better thingR from Cuua and Venezuela in the future. It ha-, taken a long while for the South American states to get their bear– in!! ..., and po:3~ibly :-;everc1I 111 ,> re revolutions will yet occur, but anyone who read .,; the hi.;tory of any of them fifty year::; agn will find encouragement in their present condition. Affair:, in the Balkans have quieted down. Turkey has agreed to re- nounce all claims to Bosnia and Herzegovina to Austria for $11,000,000. Bulgaria wants to change _her annual tribute to a lurr.p sum as a final settlement, and when they agree on figures, the dove of peace ,rill settle !ioWn and go asleep. First Ode. ( \\' ith npologi e , to HonteP.) 0 beloved aid to delinquent memory, raisecl from antestrnl pileR of rubbish, both my help and my sweet ornament There are those whom it delights to have collected the scholastic dust, from plodding and examinations well-passed; the palm of vic:tory exalts to the gods, master of the lands, this one, if the professorl' strive to extol him with 3-fold commendatiun:s, that one, if he has finished lhe course in good ~tanding. RPj11ic:ir1g to walk thu: through I he paths of pedagogical rectitudP, may you t 1eVer b e tempted as the trembling equestrian , who rid PR on his untr ust\, ort.hy steed, nor the autoi~t who, contending with the explosive gasolinff, ,incl ft ::>arful ln,t at any time he be discoverPd by the enemies of hi. unauthu1"zed pur. uit, µrai.Ps tht::> way wherein the diligPnt ones proceed; 1-'00n, hOWt'\'er, he returns to his gc.1s– propelled rnaehinl·~. unc.1lile to Pndu1e tl1t· fatal µrobability of flu11king. There is he, who neither I ejt>tlll t hP prom ise of a gc,od t !me nor refus1--s to set asidP a p:-irt from thP wholP day, n.ow with his soul e11gro;;spc) in the ball . ganP, no,v 1Mrta1<ing of or brPaking up the collPge sprracl Tlw rlancP delights many and thP sound of thP piano mingl 1 ,1 with the fiddles, ;incl latP hours so detestable to parents. The college Rpnrt :pends the night under the spell of gay revelry, forgetful of hi~ Hnxious tt':'achers, whet ht':'r book, have been opened to lessons asE'igned . or the professor ha hinted a te t for thP morrow. ~1yself the fearless . pf'Pding of a six cylinder raises to grades befon· unknown. free translation nncl ignorance of ronstructiuns di:3tinguish me from the C'fnwd while Hinds & oble refu. e not to puhli. h nor book– seller. to sell. And if you place me among the deserving I hall be borne to greate:st !wights of translative as1•iration. Scriptor, A. M. (mr.1nnns agitator.)