The Gavelyte, February 1909
CEDARVILLE COLLEC;E. 38 ~ new ~rofe~so~; it .w.ould be ~10re: spe.nt in various social games, after interesting if, in add1t10n to being.a I which we adjourned to the dining professor, he should be able to t rain I room where plenty of refreshments our athletic teama. That is one t hing I were served. But that was not all. our athletes lack to give them the i Mr. E. B. McClellan, acting as toast– necessary stimulus, and we feel that master, called on Rev. W. R. Graham hy killing two birds with one stone in who was present to speak in behalf this manner, the college will be dving I of the alumni. Rev. Graham respond– much toward greater efficiency. More I ing felicitating Lhe guest of honor on about the course will appear in the I his success as a teacher, and assnr– future. I ing him of the continuing gnod-will of all who had been under his instruc- Surprise. I tion; then Prof. Allen spoke in behalf I of the Fa~~lty in a very happy. vein'. The student body became aware of ! then the 01ggest and final surprn;e of Dr. MeChesne)'s decision to deeline ,. the evening came when, in behalf of the call to the chair of Grc>ek at the s tudent body, Prof. McChesney Woo~ter University; and early in the ~was presente<l with a handsome study wet>k, the young ladil:'s began to lay I rocker chair.. ~he Professor at once plans for a surprise party to be held I arose to his feet and r~sponded, on r'riday evt>, Jan. 22. That morning i thanking, deeply, Alumni, Faculty, the Profes,or announced his intention !and ~tudents for thrir kind words of to remain with Cl:'darville, and the 1 ,· appreciation. It is ~afe to say that µoµularity of his decision was attest- that Friday even ing will be ever pres– Pd by the vigor uf the applause at !ent in the memory of all who were the dose of his speech. That eve- fortunate enough to be there. uing a group of forty college boys and ~iris assembled at Dr. Dixon's, I Day of Praye r . and at the appropriate hour, advanced I -- down the street to tbe McChesney Before one of the largest audien- home; headed by Prof. Fitzpatrick Ices of late years, Rev. Pott. of the they entt"red the house, and the beam- .Vlethodist church, addressed us, on thr rng face of the Doctor fully evi- 1annual Day of Prayer for Colleges, denced the ('ompletl:' nt:>S1, of the sur- on the subject,, ' 'The Power of Per– pn:·w. sonal Contact" lessons from every 'l'hfl Parl.v part of t lw P\'f>nir.g was <lay lifr, to hr livP<l ont PVf'ry day.
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