The Gavelyte, February 1909

---- - - - -- -·- · -------- - ---------- - ---- Philo . Philosophic. Look for a larger report from us The Phil~sophics hav.e .bePn. ha:7ing next month . Meetings are being held , good meetrn~R. Adrmss1on is I ree, . as usual. Audiences though are not I so we would h~e to have a larg:r at– as largP as they ought to be. I tendance of fnends and those rnter– este<l in college work. At the meet- Y . ~I. C . A . ing on ~\,b . 1st, the following new of- Y. M. C. A. is making arrange- ficers wPre Plected :- Pre<:1., William men ts to sent! representatives to the HawthDrne; Sec.. Lydia Turnbull; T>ayton Convention. Their report Vice Pref:., Howard Harbison; St:>r– will appear next number. The new geant-at-arms, Ernest B. McClellan. officers elected are: - Pres., W. P. The nt>xt joint meeting will be held Harriman; V. Pres., F. C'reRwell; Sec., Feb. 22. A good program ·i~ expect- Phil Dixon; Treas., Wendell Foster. I ed . Everybody c·omP. I Chapel Lectures . , UR very prnctically on the theme, ''The Problem of the Interpretation of our Prof. F. A. .Jurkat, by his address I Lives in College." Why am I here'? on the "Causes of the RPvolutionary·! What can I do? What have I within War'', t!Parerl up some of the mi, con- : me, with which to do it? I<jverybody ceptions that had formed within our I appreciated very much the RpPaker'R minclR cluring earlier years. Ii thoughtful remarks. Rev . W. R. <;raham. 'OS, addresf:ecl Rev. C:-. W. Voorhis, of 80. Char-