The Gavelyte, February 1909

Literary Page. MISS .JEA1 NETTE ORR, '09, EDITOR. 7!!he Letter That Straightened a Tangle. llY 10, :<.HELI. FO::iT!sll, '11. The Rev . .Jack Graham had just returned to his cottage from a hard journey over t.he South Dakota plains. It was snowing and the wind blowing so that it drove the cold thru any living being tbat m:ght be expo:3ed to its fury. But the Rev. Jack Graham was very conscientious in his work and when he received woriJ of the ill– ness of one of his good old ladies, he considered it his duty to call. There was something sad about his face. and many times the remark was hearci "he has passed th1 u some great sorrow or he would not look so saj, for if he once forget~ himself he is as merry as any c,ne. '' This evening after he haci stablPd his pony and partaken ,of his supper, he sat down before the fire whPre he soon began to dream of his old collPge days; during which pPriod he rece1vPd the F>hock that lila:-.ted his future happiness. He h::id been a minis!~ r'f; son a11d had one of the s\, eetest of women for his mother and his parents, knowing the advar.tage of an education, sent him to one of Ohio's finest institutions; and here thru the encouragements an<l prayers of his professors and his own pPrsHeranre, he finally graduat(:>d and (:>ntered a seminary of the i=amE' state. H<l\\tvrr he had onE' great failing ''he would go with the ladies'' and :t wus this "eak– ncss whi<.:h bronght about the great sorrow of his life. While in college he met a you11g lady by the name of Dorothy \Yood– bridgE' and being taken by her beauty and r(:>finement, he ,oon lost intPr, st in the other girls and bestowpd all his oPvotions upon Dorothy; whieh in time ripened into love. But, at the same timE', there was another young man, George ewcomer, who was jost as much cte\'oted t o Doro! hy as was .TaC'k and of coursE' this caused trouble. As Jack was leaving for the seminary he promised D(1rothy to return and seoe h(:>r every few. weeks, but he ~oon found his studies so pressing that he was ur,:-ilile to carry out his promise. Thus it continued until hif: senior .