The Gavelyte, February 1910

I' 111, I : \ \' I; I,Y I' l•:, .111d lh1• 11ll tllllll1• ('IHI IJllll'I' iR making f'll'\'1'11 1'1'111~. ~n11d t'11r 1111 11l lw1· ,•at 1hlPH 'l'h1 1·nm111i 1/.\ion, "ill :-111nrn1' l' :11111 t lwn rPport I hat t hr>'t c·anrH>t ,. plain it,. Th,• ~11m1• rul1• hnldH t'rntl an,und I ill 111' t ~(.,anwhil • I hP bulk 111' tlw p1•11pll' will dit'l th1•111wlv1•H p1•,fntTt>, 11ttd p11!1Hihl ho\·c·ott in twn or t hn ·1· d1rel·t1om1, and I ht> :.torPrl-11p food will nawl f rnm 1tH h1tling-plac•p at l1l\\ t•r pl'il'PH. .\ bill ha-. het>n intrndUL'Pd at Culumhu,, provuling that, a HtrePt-,·ar p,1 t l'llll tH'P'I not pay far u n lesH a :-eat 1:-1 provided for him It i · Hll ppo ed that thiH will make tht> i-treet-u.1r companieH provide morr> earn at ru11h lwur:,;. It will do nothing of th :-Drt. The c·ars will hP jammed worse than t:'VPI' and everybody will want to stand. The only wa to remedy the ditiiculty will be for the conductor to refu e t11 let any rnort• on after thP laHt ·ec1t i:- filled. A vigot ou, effort is being made to amend th Ro e law, so as to exempt wet municipalities from the dedsion of a rlry county. It is to be hoped that the project fails, and very likely it will. Any other cour e would only be a retrogre , ion that woulJ have tu he retraced at some future time. Student Volunteer preciate so fully the greatness of the Convention. 1 work and the scarcity of worker.. - -, 1 Never were we made to see so plain- The thou ands of young people ly the great opportunities before us; who had the opportunity of attending i nor were we ever given such a vi ion the Student Volunteer Convention at ! of our re ·pon ibility and of the real Roche ter. New York will never for- i joy in the work. get the five days from Dec. 29 to I Mi sionaries from every foreign Jan. 1, 1910. either can they for- 1 country come to u with thPir mes– get the great privileges which were : sages of hope. Over and over again theirs a they , listened to speaker I we were told that there never was after peaker talk on the one great !' a time when the people were so theme "The making of Je ·u · Christ ready and anxious to receive the known to all men in this generation." !go ·pt:'l; tht:'re never before was a day Never before was the need brought I when these foreign countries were ·o clearly before us ever did we I opened up to the m1· ~ionary a, now. realize the awful darkne~ of these j Today even the government.: are heat11en lands. i\cver die! we ap- 1 reeognizing the work anc worth of