The Gavelyte, February 1910
C8J)ARVILLE COLLEGE. 31 ---------~~----------- --- the missionary and are extending I their encouragement and aid. , One of the most enjoyable features ' of the convention was the singing of the Sr,ndent Volunteer qnartette which The S upport of Presby t erian School s. 527 E. 25th st., Los Angeles, Cal. .Tan. 11th A. D. 1910. . 1 I was <>l't!anize( more than fifteen I d I . h h t· . 1 d I Gavelyte years ago an w 1ic as urn1s 1e · · f · · . Dear Young Friends- mus1e 1lr (:'Very cunvent10n since its organization. I I clip from the One of the mo~t remarkable things 'I Phila~ "Presbyterian" of the issue of was the quiet and order which pre- Jan. nth A. D. 1910., an article en– vailed throughout every session of I titled "Presbyterians and Presbyter– the convention. Even before the ian Colleges," and send it to yon with opening of the session:;; there was the request that you publish it in the none of the usual buzzing of conversa-1 Gavelyte. It is so good a vindication tion which ordinarily characterizes I of the denominational 0ollege that I su1.;h large gatherings. Much time feel that all papers, in any way rep– both preceding and during each ses- resenting these colleges, will do well sion was devoted to silent prayer and iffgiving it farther publicity. So I meditaLion. ask you as representing our Cedar- We will nrver forget the impres- ville College, that you, in your place, sive , ervices when 1,he volunteers do wha.t y(Ju can to ''keep the ball were called upon to tell of their de- rolling." Yours in the interest of cision to go to the foreign field and the Christian- the denominational (If their reasons for going . We were college. Your friend and and a friend µroud to know that Cedarville had a of the Cedarville College, under the representative among those who direction of the General Synod of the PXpt:>ct to go out to India to labor Reformed Presbyterian church, among the people there. John Alford. We hope that when the coming PRESBYTERIANS AND PRESBYTERIAN fu•1r years have IJ'one and another I "' COLLEGES .'tudent Volunteer ConvPntion is - .held that Cedarville may have many delei;ateH to reprei-wnt her. When a girl looks like a child who has bf'en :tP:tling jam- ki:-:, I <>r In a leaflet sent out by Wooster University, which is making an appet1l for funds to enable it to secure a conditional endowment, the following reaRons are given as to why Presby-
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