The Gavelyte, February 1910

I I I I' 111,; 1; \ \ I•: I •) 'I' h,, t1•ri 111 . h1,11ld 1qq111rt l'n• hyt1•rin11 !if.. 'l'h1• mi 111n 11! th t 'tp·1 11 in 1•11ll1•g,•.: 1•11lll'gl' i. not 111d) 111 "'lllip \111111~ 1i1•,·n11:1• Ih,•y ha,·" d1111.- g11111l lll('n :ind wn11wn with m,,,lt•rn I(· 11 n– wurl, 111 tlw p.i. l ,lilt! are doing g11od irig, lt11t al II and ,ii. tin ·ti\' •I) t,, h11ilrl 1,111·1' 11,11,·. Th,• ('hri:linn c,,IIPg1• an- thPm in !'hri. tian <'harnctPr, imli111• t1·dat,•d th1• ,'lnt,• l'ni '1•r:-ity Ii) mon• I thPm with thP . pirit 11f , n•i,·1 .ind thnn a 1·t>t1l ,r~·. Tht> ('hri c·11l- l. Pnd tlwm forth to ]H, lt·adPr. of m••n It>~'"'" ha,·1· in .m 111y ~tdt ·t-1 , et thP I in all tlw avPllUP:-! nf lit'P. For thP :-tandard to which tlw .'tate in;'tilu· advani.:Pmt.>nl of the kingdom of c;(ld tinn:-- ilan, Ii 1 1 1 11 e mpellPd to attain. in its broad t t-1Pn:-1e, thPrP i. nn mrin• :'\Jany of th,, brig-h P, t graduate stud- 1 Ktrat.t>gic work than thi · ent: at tht> gr •at uni\' r$ili"s obtained "1. B CHU P of th ir vital relation their lhlchelor's deg-re1-, at the d - j to the work of Christ. The 'hri·tian nominational colleges, and many of I college~ have heen thf' , oureP from the mm,t ueces ,ful men in public life which our theological , erninariP: reet>iveJ their training in Christian I have received nin -t nths of their in, titution . Among uch in titu- 1 student for the gospel mini try and tiuns none have had a more hunora- ! from which havP come nearly all our ble record than tho e which have ; mi~, ionaries. To judge of the fu– been maintained by Pre ' hyterian . I ture by thP pa. t, tu allow our dPnom- 2. Becau~r , a, a hiRtorical fact, I inational collegi>s to languish, would ajde from technical and profe ional be a fatal to thP aggre, sive work of schools, higher educcttion in thi' coun- 1 the Church as to cl\), e We, t Point or try has been fu terecl from two sourc- 1 Annapolis woulrl be to th dticiency es. the "tate and the Churches. The I (.)four army and navy . ..,tate in titutit>n,, excellent a~ they I 5. Becau e they belong to us They are in many way , art> avowedly ecu- were founded by our fathern in faith Jar in their spirit. The denomina- 1and prayer ''for Christ and_ the tional college ha laid the maximum t Church.'' To neglect them is tn be of tre~: upon e\'angelical ChriRtianity : di loyal to the memory of those who with the minimum of emphasi~ upon I founded them. denominational pPtuliaritie.. , :3. Because they are the be t me1ns J Referring to Archie, a Xew Lex- known fnr preparing men for Cbri:-:- l ington citizen a ked the ball team if tian leader hip in the µrofe .. ions, in ' they took ''grandpa" with them on all gm·ernmPnt, in e,luration and in civil I their trip~.