The Gavelyte, February 1910

College Societies. Orator i c l A · t· a ssocia ion. , tiiis pr0gram was the debate on Lhe Friday night. Ft:'b. llth 1910, was 1subject "Resolved: That "Rats" are an imµortant one in the history of I detriments to the beauty vf young Cedarville (\,llt--ge. That night the i woman."This subject was well handled. girl:,' basket li..11 team of th 1: college !The learned judges finally grc1ntE-d thrir n~et . _the ~luskingum team. The I de~i~ion ' i_n favor of the affirmative. \ ars1t1e: nwt the strong Miami This oc1ety expects this meeting aggrc'gati11n, and greatest of all Mr. ! to be only a starter for the interest– Morgan rtiµresented the college in I ing programs they expect to render. the Intercollegiate Oratorical Contest I Come one, come all. Bring your which was held at Alliance. We J. friends, and tell your friends to bring hllpe for suc:cesd to rest upon each of \ their friends. these repn·st--ntativt>s but greatest of ' P hil o W i n s. all upon ,\,lr. Morgan . The contest 1s over and Philo ' Philosophic So,::i e t y . 1 comes off victor. The last few meet- Tht-> first Semester is now over. ; ings proved to ~e the best · ~f the Also is the so<:iety contest. Altho the semester. We feel Lhat th1:s has Philusoµhit's have failed in havinU' the J been our best year and are indeed majority uf pt>ints, 1hey trut~fully : proucl of the work which has been . ay that all t,hey did get wert' received I done. Every member stood loyal to only by honet~t lalior. [t is not, j the society and we hope that the definitely decided 38 to whether or I int!:'rest will continue through0ut 1111t thl'y will conte t in a similar way I the year. -with the si:-tt>r society this semt>ster. Y. M C. A. But if tht->y do they can win by more The Young Men's Christian A$- poin~: tha11 the number by which they I Roeiation Rtill holds the weekly m!:'et– wer<' defer1.ted this time. 1 ings on Thursday evenings at 7 'l'he first program of the seconrl I o'clock in the Philo hall. As the • I '8Prnrster was renderer! Monday even- · \,·eek begiiining· Feb. 13 i::i to be I ing F'eb 7, which j)roved to be an observed as a week of prayer tliruugh- extr~mely in. tructive and intere. ting- out the Cedarville, Clifton and Y t>llow orw One of the rnnin fentnreR of Spring$ chnn·hPR, the Y. M. C. A.