The Gavelyte, February 1910

1• 111 ·,·t 111 nh 1•1,·,· thhi al n, and WP WI' rnanagPd to find 1111t wh .. n• th•y hop1• that t>n,·h, 01111g man :nh•r ·~tPrl WPr . \\' • gnt a Int of lh1• fP!low nr di . i11t,•rpst1·d in tl11• work nf tlw tngl't,hPr and P\'t>n thP S,·i1•n1·1• prn– 'I ~l l '. \ "ill do :ill th •y can to f P1:1:-1nr ,·at-1 wild to bf' in 11n th,. fun. !H•lp 11nt both tl1Pt11HPlvt>,.. anti otherl-1 1\ <' gnt d, wn LhPrP jm1t aH nnf' of thf• in t lw ' P nwPt1ngs. girlH w nt in and IVP pn ~hed in right y. w . c. A. h hind hi:r. Imagin.. how hflrrrir - ·ri 1 · t f . . t k Htnck n Wt-' WPrP to find tbP parl,,r ,w su •Jt><· o m1ss1ons wa' a en . . · t' \' \' ' A t· th , full of larheH and nr,t a c:olJ.,.gp girl uµin ne . ~. . rn erng' e .. h . 10 ~1g t. W jumped to thf' on pa~t month, ~I,ss Mary Ellen Lownes 1 . · • I l . th t· 1 ,., 1 It J , · UHWn at once that we hud . tumh!Pd ea, mg e met> mg, an . .c. • prov , . . . t l · t t' J 1 1 f' 1 mto a ne1ghborhnorl pray r mP twg o ie a ver.v JO ere. 1ng an 1e p u . · t . 'l'h 1 l f t' h , and wh n the lad1es µu hPd u.· out me 111g. e as PW mee mgs ave . h . we w nt wit out much r istar.ce been better attended and all the girls 1 • • • d . II · ·t d t t· especially as thev prnched and pulled are cor 1a y rnv1 e o our mee mg h h . f · . · . I t e air o ome who did re ist. which are held each Thursday evenrng. I Our delegate to the Roche ter I .'ome of the l.,oy: were 'l bored convention, ~liss Ada Allen, brought I they went ho:oe at once but I hung back to u very interseting reports, ; around and p~eped in the .window.· and helpful idea~ for our work. It I and after awhile I saw the girl come wa unfortunate that Prof. Smith ; down stairs. Then some one playerl wa unable to attend the convention ! the wedding march on the piano and al o, repre enting the faculty. I soon a regular wedding pl'Oces~ion , appeared, with groom and best man Boy's Did'nt Join. I and a mini ter in black robe, and a I little ring-bearer anci two little flower Cedarville, Ohio. girl' in , hort white frocks and lung Feb. 9, 1910. 1 curl Then came the hridP on her Dear mother: - father ,, arm but as he haJ on a long I want to tell you about veil I did not recognize her. I knew the exciting time we had la t night. I all the other The groom wa' Wil– Some of u:,; boy found out that the i helmina Mitray, one of the ba,I{et ball girl' were planning to have a good I team, and the mirister wa , liR time down at pencer'' so we decided ' Allen, a tutor in the college. The to go down and join in. The girls are I be t man was Myrtle Morrow, the usually too "lick for u, , but this time bride', father, BPrtha Anderson anrl