The Gavelyte, February 1910
'I 1'111•: t: \ \ J,; 1,, 11•,. oh c . 11 oft Wood. l'h.ipt"r \'llf 1:m u1:rm11:s 11.,. h 1·1tt-:. 1111-,, T. l~oy. aft1•r IPa\'ing tlw Hank th:it aftPrnoon in .f 11111•, fir. t w ·nt h"m", whPrt> hr packPd his iwitcase, lea,·ing nut. tlrnt which was not a n er>. Jl): an,! ;1 't er Haying good hy • to h1H moth r and ~i ·tt•r hurrinl to th• d •pot. Hl•cau: of th~ exe1 rmt>nt, Roy for toe fir:t few night ~J.·pt liLtlP and timf1 Ht>enwd to tty. But Roon the dayR h gan to drag and plPnty of time was hiH for retl~t· Linn Naturally hi thought: would find their way baek to the eollPgP rl11ys and the year.- ince . While in college he thought th re was no on f!Uite Ho nice a Beth and he had gone . o far a to think he loved her. Th n• had bt en many timeH :inn• when he w:1, Jiscourage<l and lonP– ·ome that he longed for ju t one moment with her But with 1 ime had come a clearer vi ion so he now , aw her a , he really wa . How many little things she would do that hurt him. , he did not think it wrong for they had pa sed thru childhood in far different · cum tanre':l. or how little d1ri he know how he felt . But Beth wa not the only one , he had admired. Two other there were that h had e peeially liked. He and cott had become clo c friend:;. Altho one had plenty of wealt,h. the other ometime~ weut without nece ,-~ities. It wa::; the genial , pirit of cott and the straightforward manly way of Roy that bound the cord of friend- hip which la ted thru life . The other wa a girl. ~ot pretty yet 110 one could ay :he wa: not good looking. "'he was, mart, at the head of rla, es, lihd among tho e who knew her, even adored - but known by few, quiet, yet you always enjnyeci her company anj in fact you would seek her friend , hip. In thi , girl Roy fourd a companion, one who understood him, anri onf' to whom he woulri carry the lea t little trouhle. From her he would alway· r ece i,•e ,ympathy and encouragement "o altho Roy wa ems. ing th ... coun ry at, ixty mile an hour hi thought. were center d in the little eol- 11-ge tnwn a it hacl been six year~ previou . Roy could not quite unde1stand it l,ut for ome rea.on he found him-
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