The Gavelyte, February 1911

Gr~D.-U{VILLB CULL~GE. PHILADELPIDAN. I day between semesters. On the last The Literary work of the first semes- two evenings of the semester there ter was completed Wednesday night !were programs of considerable length, January 25th . The program was long : bec~use so many had not yet made but nevertheless interesting. With the : their 65 required points in literary exception of one or two every member !work. One of these was marked by of the society completed the required j t?e great n~mber of German produc– number of cre<lits, a large number even I t10ns. A girls guartette from the · 1st being on the honor roll for having made !ear German class sang several songs one hundred credits. This is especially Im _that language, which were well re– commendable because of the unusually ce1ved by the audience. Another mem– small number of meetings held and the : ber of the class recited a number of greatly diminished number of credits short German poems. Last, but by no given for each production. Imeans least, our German student, The work of the new semester began i ~er?ert ~aumert gave a declamation Tuesday night, February 7th. The m ~1s native tongue, which was greatly new president, Robt. M. Conley, and enJoyed by all those who heard him. secretary, Miss Milligan, were. inaugu- I The program of the first meeting this rated. An excellent program of essays, : semester was somewhat shorter than declamations and music. The features , those of last semester. Several mem– of the evening were the instrumental bers of the society are starting right at and vocal solos by Messrs. Stewart and i first, two or three of them making Ustick. , about half their points this first night. The society has begun work on the : This is certainly better than waiting annual Philo play which will be present- i until the very last night almost, as - ed in the near future. l some did last semester; and I think the · : r est of us would do well to follow the PHILOSOPHIC i good example of these few, so that the Th . . last weeks will not be so crowded. ere h~ve be~n but three meetmgs ! New officers have been elected: Pres. of our society this month, on account I Wendell Foster, Vice Pres. DeWitt of Monday, Jan. 30 being a vacation : Morgan, Sec. Nancy Finney. I