The Gavelyte, February 1911
VE LY TE, 1 tn1111• in th• min I of lhn , who pil11 I tlw Ship of Sl;1 IP, th I l ttwy mi ht 1 ' 11111 111 " ''' 111 , ,.n111l11t" th •ir ch tr <'ll'r md ,1l l • 1 I 'TUDENT OF CEDARVILLE COLLEGE. , di pl 1y m1 T' of ]'Hlrioti m and I •ountrv ,nHI IPR of l'nrtuplion. larvill , hi · A ~,n. THLY r \PEI j 'I'h r 11 · · h k t' o owing If! fl paragrup ta 1 1;n1,•r,•d " :-.,•1•01111 <'I 1 \11111 ;\lnlll'I', In th!' from Blain •'H TWJ.:N'rY vr,:,\RS IN 1·0 - l'. 1 •1Ollli·,•1111·.,t111rvlll, · Ohio, Jnnunry 111 • 1111111 · J GRl·:si-; n•laling to Lincoln, whi h m, y \ •II be wwd a:-1 u molLo: "H, lov •rl h • \111•nrr1•,p1111cl,.111·1· -.:l11111ld h,• nrldn·~•f'd In truth for the ru h'H s'.lke. H wouhl • Tlw<l \\Pl, rlo'."-01111•1• ,,11 \ , .\!11111 ,:,.1 .. r·<'dur-1 f f I · h , 1 11,,. nhto not argue rom a as pr mis , c ---------- • de eivcd himself, or d c ive others, by .., 111 "' 1 .rtptlon Rntl' i-~t· Jlf'r y<•ur.- 111 ,. 1,. CoplP>1 I a f'.lls conclusion. II did not seek to rn~. I say m rely the thing which was b •s t for that day's d hate, but th thing EDI'fOltl.\L H'l'.\FF. I which would stand the test of time, and IH:\\I'fT )toRnA,. , 12 Etllto,· !n C'hl<'f square itself with ternal justice. His IWBER'l' \\' u. TH'K. ·11, A,-,;oclntr E!lltnr I logic was serene and faultless. He did ' \\'E:-;DELL FO TER, ·rn, Litemry Editor , not resort to fallacy." \LBERT.\ RE WELL. .'10, Alumni Erlitor FLORENCE \\' ILLLU[ ' nN , ·11 I nciC'ly o Ht:I{ 1'1-L\ ~ lOR;.10:--•t', '11. i Ediinr-<. nrno L . <'LE)IANS. ·1:1. Athll'tic Eclitor A change that is of interest to all EL\\ ()o]) I'. HOWELL. 'l!I, L->cnl Editor. l h d b d h ) b . 1 t e stu ent o y as recent y een Bl ' nrnss 1'.\ FF. made, whereby the Athletic Association I' D DIXON, ·12. Ru,:. )l~r. 111111 'l'1·en~t1rN i is divided, the affairs of the Boys and EARL :\JcCLELLAN, 't:l. Ach·. 'i1Ia 1. 18 gcr I Girls Association being under separate '. ERNES 'r F(' rER,'J:J, l tRED L . LE:'II.\ K . 'Pl, 1 As t. Adv. ;.i~r,.:. 1 control. The change seems at present 1 ' HA E . YOHO, ·1:1, Mailing Clerk j to be an act of wisdom and for the I benefit of all. The complications neces- This is the month in which we honor J sarily arising from the combinaticn of two of America's grandest sons. The I interests were many and hard to decide. one, the Founder of our nation, the . With a girls team that bids fair to win other its Preserver. It is significant I the state championship it is necessary that people so occupied as the Ameri- j that they be recognized as an im– cans should annually commemorate the I portant athletic factor of the school birth of these two men. We are not I and it is to be hoped that they receive a people of superstition, but we are a , ample opportunity in their separate people that honor CHARACTER. Though J venture to keep up the good work. political complications of every kind I However, may the divided interests of harass the rapublic, nevartheless the the two Associations co-operate and memory of these two c~.nnot be effaced. 1 strive for the glory of C. C. rather - Would that their memory might be · than for Association glory.
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