The Gavelyte, February 1911
GEDAltVlLL~ GULLBGK 41 A Prayer for our Faculty. '1 marked his efforts in the past. We pray 'I hee, 0 God, to keep us from 1 1 selfish desires, but we realize what our We implore Thy blessing, 0 God, on I loss will be, - and yet, if it is for his the men a~d women who ~e;,.ch t~e l I best advantaga that he Jay down his students of our :oJlege, for mto their work here, give us th~ spirit a?d h;rnds are committed the dearest hopes , courage that will enable u5 to go o him of many a parent's heart. Y,e know J and say, "May God's blessing be upon that they are our potent friends and you in your new field of labor. As we helpers, and that as they make us so lose, may you so gain." shaJI future years see us. And as a last request, we ask that Gra~t them, 0 merciful Father, an Thou reward Thy servants with a glad abiding c?nsciousness that they are co- , sense of their own eternal worth as workers with Thee, Thou great teacher teachers of the race, and in the heat of humanity, and grant that Thou hast of the battle of life, do Thou sh w them charged them with the holy duty of th~ spring by the wayside, that flows bringing forth from the .bu:lding life of from the eternal silence of God, and these students, the mysterious stores gives new light to the eyes of all who of character and abil_ity which Thou drink of it. hast hidden in them. Teach them to reverence the young lives, which have come from Thee, and to realize that Ex~ruos~ve The Conkle Cloak Co. E~~l~ive generations still unborn shaJI rue their sloth or rise to highest levels through their wisdom and fa:thful -: ess. And may those students, who are away from the influence Jf loved ones, find in these servants the ones who will take the place of their advisers, who will lead them onward and upward to higher planes of thinking, to greater ideals of living, and to the noblest ways of doing. Gird these teachers, Our _ Father, for their task, with a double measure of Thy patience and tran– quility, and with special tenderness Former and Present Location 17 South Main Street Dayton, 0. This Store Has no Other Dayton Connection We Strive for Originality That is the reason you will al ways find 1q, the Conkle Cloak Co.• somethin~ in the sty le, the patrons and the general get up of our ex– clusive outerwear for Ladie~ 1ind .Misses, thtit cannot be equaled out si de of New York. Quality and good value go together in any– thing you get at the Conkle !oak Co. Low Cost ,tnd Hi gh our .Motto. When in Dayton vi it the Conkl e Cloak Co. Larges t exclush·e Rhop for Wo1nen in Dayton. for the backward. Save them ~rom Is it not queer that a Freshman would physical exhaustion, from loneliness I caJI a Professor mean names because he and discouagement, from th~ numbness played in a harmless game at one ·· ~f . of routine, and from all b1tter~es~ ~f be spreads? It seems to us that 1f heart. And we ask of Thee, if it is this class of people would be more Thy will, that the loved one, whom we active in k~eping the fun going they are in danger of losing, be spared to us would have no time to apostrophize to continue the noble work, both for college and community, that has their superiors.
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