The Gavelyte, February 1911
' ill \'lwnwelt•ll 11, trnin 11t NP\ l andk•pLru,hing until th• ,•nrl. 'f'h• .'tr ,it s ·ill• \\t' lo11n<l nbout twn hun -1 hr hnll' ·rv! <! r. 10 r. ind th,• ,•r. ,ncl dn'd p 'opll' th •re to mt• t UH, W ' hl.4.1 f d I <•nd ,cJ i11 ;t til', 10 lo l(J, 1 h > , · •r • Hcort ·d to th' hot •I by th i dolt>- I m• t fpw minut1• w1•rP Vl'ry ci ing gntinn. Th• ' • m • . tart •cl al 8:~·) he-r on both for pl 1y •r unrl 1Jn1',oke hut f rt• a ·ro\ ·d of Hom fiv, hundn:d HOlll1 aft •r tlw ha ll It• ft r.PntPr our t. r pe ,·i<on.. Tlw firs t half wm1 rdcrc<"d forwa rrl, Mis Mort on, sucr. t Pd •d m by nil· rnanng r n!lll wa. lhc lenncs t cng ing on" ancl winning th • gam, for ball w hav<' l'\k"n part in thiHseas n. I u by a sco re of tt•n to tw lv •. ·~ hi s hal f end d !l to 6 in fa ,·or of th Mi HH And rson anrl Mi HH Morton Strait. ville unch . Betw en halve I s tarr cl for d,ll'v illP and splendid we ave th m a few yell . This was I guarding was done by apt 1in Mi tray something n •w and was we:) received by , 1 and Mi ss Stormont. Miss William on the cr,lwd. The second half tarted played a remarkable game at cent r. r.:mgh . Two or three of our men were j Line up Janel d agains t the iron stoves in the j room, and then som~ thing started. C darville Ced'.lrville had locat d the basket, we ! Anderson threw some three or four neld baskets Morton in quick succession. This seemed to Williamson unnerve the Straitsville team, and we Lownes romped away with the game. Final Mitray Forward " enter Guards Miami Henderson Beamen Neukome · Bayes Prugh Guinall s ore 2 to 22 for C. C. Saturday I Stormont morning we took a chair car for Col- Goals, Anderson 4, M9rton 1, Hend- umbus. We visited the Penitentiary I erson 3. and then the crowd broke up; some Fouls, Anderson 2, Henderson 4. went to the corn show and so?1e to the I Officials Markley, Wise. theatre. We boarded the trat~ at 5:30 1 On the evening of February 3rd Ced– and counted noses, _when we discovered arville girls met their old rivals w·1- one of our number, "Duke Mose Yoko," i mington girls at Wilmington. Havi~g to be missing. It is ~::>t kn:>wn as. yet ! defeated Mia~i, it was also necessary what became of him. . We ~rrived ; that Wilmington should be defeated in h~me about s:30 well satisfied wJth our I order that the girls might claim · the tnp and about $20 to the good. I state championship. On January 21st our girls journeyed I This game was undoubtedly the fast– to Oxford, Ohio, to contest with the I est one which Cedarville girls ever Miami UniYe~sity girls. Mia.mi held a I playe:d. Wilmington girls have a strong record of "no defeats" for nine years I team and also a very nice bunch of girls and have. als0 been able to claim the 1 .for our girls certainly r eceived fine state championship for the past two treatment from them. years. Of course our girls hardly ex- Misses Stormont and Mitray again pected to win but before the game each starred for Cedarville by their guard– girl decided that they wouldn't be ing. In fact the whole t 3am needs to buried. Things started off with a rush be commended on their playing. The
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