The Gavelyte, February 1911

C~UAkVlLLE CULL.hX.i~. 49 game ended in Cedarville's favor with j fled with but a paltry four or five shots a score of 15-6. I at the basket. Anderson Morton Williamson Lownes Mitray Stormont Line up . Forward " Centers " Guards " Goals, Anderson 3, I The first half was slow in the ex:– Farquhar I treme, the referee calling a foul for Noftsger I every cross look. He had the most Peele I critical eye ever seen by local enthusi– Malone asts and tried the tone of his whistl e at Ayres I every turn. It was suggested that he Bussy j ''try out'' in the next oratorical contest Morton 3, Far- 1for rus enunciation of fouls was very quhar 1, Noftsger OA Fouls, Anderson 3, Farquhar 4. ~anagers, Carey, Beckley. Officials, Carey, Markley. distinct. With the game so slow, Ced- 1 1 arville was at a loss to know how to play and scoring was difficult. The I half ended 8-5 with Cedarville in the j lead. Friday evening, Feb. 10, the girls The second half started with Confarr ::Five" ~et Lebanon U~iversity at. t~e I officiating and the change of speed of Alford. ' The reputat10n of the v1s1t- the officials produced a corresponding ing team and the brilliant record of change of speed in the game. . In this "our girls" was the means of drawing half both teams were allowed more op– on~-of the largest crowds e~ver seen at portunity to show their ability and for a girl's game in this city. The fact I the first few minutes Lebanon seemed that Lebanon refused to play two en- to have the best of the argument. ters necessitated a change · of signal Their passing was systematic, r apid and work but the girls proved themselves I effective but every effort met with dis– amply competent to overcome the hand- appointment when the ball came within icap. The pass work of the visitors our Guards territory. After seven was excell_en~ at times but th: magnifi- 1minutes of play C. C. glrls proved cent playmg of Guards M:1tray and I their superiority with a vengence and Stormont was a revelation to the Leba- the half ended with Cedarville again non forwards and they had to be satis- J victorious 9-2. Final score 17-7. The Recognized Leader