The Gavelyte, February 1912
111 th 1 1 I I d I, r 1 .. 11 lll' I I II\ I' I l'I r: ( It \ll :1 I' I • 11:! .. r, :.! \),) ,, :l ., !I 1111 .. 11:; " !.!- ll " I 01) .. II", .. I 2 1J~ .. :~ 11:11 .. ltl .. 2 \l .. i7 ' ...ATHLETICS... The Girl' Ba ket B.dl tean opened it sea In with a ,·ict, ry on the evenin T of Januaq lith. The oppo ing team wa Yellow 'prings. 'I h vi itor- were helple s t the hand of the Cedan ille girls. I he local girl • team Wlirk was uperb. The cure of 20 to 5 in favor of C. C. make a Ion, ory hort The wind -up for the evening s program wa a game between re en-e and 1)U h Charle to . The game w , ery fa t and the throughuut th~ gnme fhe c, re If 21-~H in Ciiarle·ton· lal'or good game. The local lad playeJ a ta ·t g~me bu they were up much "beef.' the college core lo-e proof , ,f a g,1in t too January :26th wa the da e of the Fin~lay game. Findl«) , ·hich i.· one one of the fa ·test team in , vrthero hio, came expecting a w lk away– they made a miscalculation. The ~ame wa fa t and furiou F mdlay early obtained the lead but had to tight like Tniian to maintain it. Findlay finally wvn the game with a 52 42 ·c'-' re. C. C. tcCJellan Ll.'.\E l P. Town ley ................................ R F L. F. Pre ton ................. kGaffick ............... Dixon . C. R. G. L. G. Findlay Behney . Ulrich Smith F. Barnhart H. Barnhart Goal -i\lcClelJan -!, Town Jey 5, Pre ton i, Dick on 2, Behney , Clrich 5, Smith 5, F. Barnhart 5, H . Barnhart 2 Fouls-Pre ton 7, Behner 11. The annual W ilmington Double Header camt- off the 2nd of February. The e game are con idered the be t o far thi s sea on; al o the attendance wa the best. The girls game came fir t. Mi s Turnbull gaye a go.Jd e h1- bition uf goal tossing. But the credit for victory must be give n to our star guards who are ever on the pot re d, to get the ball. Score 2 to lU.
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