The Gavelyte, February 1912
11 = OF Clot If yo ne ·d cloth s or not 5t will ay you t t ke dvantage of our " al Price " C me in and see the woolen that we tailor to your or– der ult or overcoats-f1 m $23 75 down to $12 75 f-rrner pr·ce , $16 7s to $30.00. N,1, 1 Arc 1<l~ Third ~t. DRISCOLL & S EID CO. )pen \\'cd , f ri.. 11111 Sat. vc11i11g DAYTON, OH IO . J. W. JOHNSO ' The Jeweler. North Ma in Street, -THE- Hill Top Grocers McFARLAND BROS . Prop ri eto rs. Art> glad to f'fVP your needs, nd always have the eason's be~t dain– tii>s on hand . :::ieP tl1em for preau , ft'e ·, banquet . etc PHONE ;;L. CedarvBle Oh·o. N. St. , Ceda.rvilie, Ohio Bridge Barber Shop Fine \York CHAS SMITH, Prop. h ! You Dirty Shirts Collar· and Cuff– Send Thern to the LAUNDRY DWIGHT STERRETT
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