The Gavelyte, February 1915
8 THE GAVELYTE Prof. McC.-"What is your name? J. C.-"V\ ell, at home they call me Jim, but my maiden name is James." Vi ard-"Do you approve of dancing?" Wilmah-"I certainly •do not." Ward-''Why not?" Wilmah-"Well, it is merely hugging set to music." Ward-"'Well, what is there about it that you don't like?" Wilmah-"The musfc." Patent Medicine Man-"This is the best medicine on the market. If you take it you will live to be a hundred years old." 1Prof. Allen-"! would buy a bottle from you if I were a bachelor." Miss Dallas-"Will you have some ·Pumpkin Pie?'' !Hutchinson-"No, thanks; I never eat pie that has no roof on it." Kind Old Lady-"You don't chew, do you?" Cook-"No, mum, but I can give you a cigarette." I would ra>ther do without a kiss all my life than have a hypo– critical slobber.-Prod: Mcchesney. 'First Day of Secontd, :seme ster)--1How many lapses (laps) have you finished? Rev. Patton. Prof ~cChesney-In what way do - we often use the adjective sweet? Student-Sweet dog; sweet girl; etc. !Prof. Mc__:Do we apply the name because they taste sweet? Event__JGirls all buzzing around the looking ghss. Time and Place-After chape1 in the girls waiting room. Cause-Photographer at the colleg,e to take pictures for the annual. Effect-vVait and buy an Annual and see effect???!!! Do a little "watchful waiting."
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