The Gavelyte, February 1915
• JO TI IE GAVELYTE Alumni Notes. '97 The United Presbyterian congregation in Pittsburg, of which J. Alvin Orr is pastor, showed their hearty appreciation of him and his work by increasing his salary to $4,000 the first of February. '00 rprof. J . Robb. Harper, Superintendent of Schools, Wilmette, Ill., attended a meeting of superinten1d,ents in Cincinnati, Ohio, during the third week of 'February. During his stay in Cincinnati :\1rs. Har– per visited friends and relatives in Greene county. '03 Announcement of the birth of a son to 'DT. and Mrs. John Finney, Harrison, Idaho, who has been made to their Cedarville friends. '06 The congratulations of the Alumni are extended to Mr. and Mrs. Stoney (Eleanor Smith), who were married February 3 at Kent, Ohio. After a brief honeymoon trip they will make their borne in Charlesto.i, S. C. '10 Mr. Kenneth Williamson bas resumed bis stu 1 d,y of law at O. S. U. after a brief vacaition spent with his parents in Xenia, Ohio. '11 Rev. and Mrs. R. W. Ustick returned to their home in New Kingston, N. Y., February 8, after an enforced vacation of two months on account of Rev. Ustick's health. His physical condition is very much improved at the present time. '11 Mil"s Bertha Stormont is enrolled as a normal student in the college this semester. 1 Prof. Jurkat doing the "Fox Trot" or "Button 'Whole Twist"? CAN YOU IMAGINE Doc McKinney talking like Haskinsoil? Prof. McChesney using a monocle? Prof. Allen giving a vocal solo at the Senior Entertainment, Feb- ruary 18? Any girl with h er "front and back" hair the same color? ·Ethel Mc'Campbell as a flirt? Wilmah Spencer without Ward? Kenn•eth !Ritchie with a mustache? Any freshman scratching his head without getting a splinter under his finger-nail? That everyone will pay the 30c they owe for the oyster supper?
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