The Gavelyte, February 1915

The Gavelyte VOL. IX FEBRUARY, 191 5 NO. 5 Editor's 1 ote-This ora tio n was written by ou r representa tive to the Ohio State Oratorical Association, Mr. Cameron McCl ure . It was de– livered by him at Wi ttenburg College, Springfield, Ohio, Februa ry 12. Although Mr. McClure did not receive fi rst place wit h t his orat ion we fe e l certain that it deserves no little mention as to the mate ria l conta ined:therein. OUR COUNTRY'S CALL OF OPPORTUNITY. The war problem i the paramount is ue of the day. Never in hi, tor)· were o many nations involved nor such mighty ar mies arrayed. We have watched the ev nts as the five great powers of Europe w re drawn into deadly combat. We behold today tlH· <·utangl ment of every continent on the globe, the gigantic struggle for ma tery on land and sea, the insane demolition of the crO\\'lling works of men, the inhuman affliction of the race. }jurope has di honored her civilization by the crimson stain of la wlessn ss, and den10raliz d the higher ideal of manhood. Yea. from far across the sra tbPrP come the cry of distress al}(l th<" tal<1 of wof'. Desolation has stalllped her depression on 1 ht> fii,lc1s of Belgium. Rohbed of mone)' and deprived of homes, hi,1• i1ilwhitanL uncle Prv dly uffrr the miseri s of war. 1ilf's of t1·M1dws l1ave laid wast tlw once fe1·tilr field· of Northern Fn111c·1·. Ev<·1·y c-onntry has rushed its hoy. to the front. Their fair maidens and patriotic women have reaped the crops, threshed 1 he• grain, ancl grou11d the flour for their battl ho ts. Prayers for ~af<'t.V and protection go np from P\Pl',Y homr, while from the lil1·ak l1ills and icy moors as ·eucl Ow moaus of the wounded and cl~·iu . Little• is thought of thr mothel''s hoy, thr rnaiden 's lov r, CJ!' tlt1· thousands of sturdy yonlli. llw C'ho. rn of the land, that lrnvt• falll·ll with the slain. Fo1· l.\Iilital'ism, nndaunt d by th 1•. 1w11s1· of wa1·, tht> cost of ai·ma11w1111o, 01· the carnag of life, ha Ji111'11·d its fo1·1·Ps aeross tlw 1'111· r1·11<'hing plain, b aten it