The Gavelyte, February 1915
2 THE AVELYIE I ath owr 1 ltC' Huow-prakrd monntaius, and sb1wls diHpln.r<'d j11 all it arrognnH'<' and horror. But the con flirt ha not coufin cl its effcC't to the ilPlligP1'<'ll(s. niversal i the ' \\' ep of thi contagion of warf'arc. Ic.vrn the i le of tlw rn lu-we felt the sud(len on! hrrak of hostiliti s and heard the roar of c·,mnon. rrhe world looks on with anxious e)' . Our o,\'n repnhlil' i more dreply eonc·ernecl than any oth r neutral po,,· r, for indeed the prosperity of our country depends largely on the condition of other nations. This is seen in the e perilou time , when indu trial problem. of unprec– edented difficulty pre ent them elve . Factories and mill. have shut down. Both national and international commerce has suffered. In this great confusion of the twentieth century, the rall of opportunity has come to America. pon our nation ha. fallen the burden of re ponsihility. N'ow is the time to strike the death knell to this mighty Gorgon of destruction. There has always heen a right way to settle all questions. Through the still lapse of ages there has breathed upon the purest atmosphere the true law of human progres . But it ha. been demonstrated in the annals of history that ·war counteract. the course of puhlic development. closes the door to world federa– tion, and imprisons hehind the bars of oppression the hope of unborn generations. Yet men, ever afraid of some impending· danger, have concentrated their ideas to,Yard preparation for naval and military superiority. Kings, rulers, and emperors have maintained that armaments are an economical necessit~'. Germany has spent her time in training her youth. England has lavished her wealth on an immense navy. The Repuhlic of France has been constantly equipping her soldiery during the last forty-three years. Russia and Japan have recentl? pushed out into the arena of modern warfare, and showed their advance– ment in methods of strife. Thus Europe ha drilled her troop . built her navies, and brought on a calamity to civilization un– equalled unexampled. Time at last prove truth the ruler of the universe. For it is no longer a question for debate. hut an established fact that Militarism ha failed. It ha cast off the pluple robe of sov– ereignty. and flaunted the atrocious flag of destruction. But,
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