The Gavelyte, February 1915
CEDARVILLE COLLEGE 3 derided by philosophy, ridiculed by civilization, and scorned by sound logic, its claims are now uncompromisingly rejected by all thinking men. All that remains is to sink it forever beneath the billows of public opinion. Here, we are a nation blest by learning, supplied with wealth, and influenced by the forces of righteousness. Our country abounds in unlimited resources. It is well situated for commercial interests; and scarcely, if at all, liable to be entangled in war. It excells in discoveries, makes the most marked ad– vanees in civilization, and pours forth a stream of human life resplendent in the light of righteousness. Shall our nation, mindful of its former exploits, and upheld by the patriotism of a hundred million strong, fear to banish thi ineubus fron1 our shores? Soon Europe will discern the folly of her ways. Soon the powers will look for a new plan to settle international disputes. Shall they not pay Vi'Orthy attention to the greatest neutral power ? Shall they not notice a government which in a small 1wriod of time has carved a nation extending from ocean to ocean, from the Lakes to the Gulf, and has revealed to the world th(~ trne value of religious liberty and political equality ? " As the people go, the United States goes. As the United States goes the world goes.'' It lies in our hand to destroy Militarism, to di arm th navies,. to establish an internationl police force, to complete more nearly the unification of the race. Shall we heed the call? Shall ·we rise to the God given opportunit)'? Yea, Militarism must go. F'or · 'rrhe pendulum of solwr thought is evermore beating out the doom of war.'' Truth tram1Jlecl under foot by the forces of evil, has asserted itself in the life of uations. It bas slowly started to move. With an inco111prehensihle acceleration it passes llC.''Ond the jeers of men. Pastn and faster sweeps the brilliancy of correct thinking. On and ou spr ·ads the conflagration of irue principles, mightier than tlH~ mai-tial hordes of th(• Assyrians. mightirr than the legions of Caesar, mightier 1 han the battalions of Fran e, mightier than thP l'egiments of Germany. Soon the world shall found her lav;,s 011 l'iglit allCl justire. 8m· •ly \\'P have an important part in this mov meni of un– para!IPltJd prec>ed"n · . Opportunity is calling. Good deeds done JIO\\' shall lJ1· r-;ia1·s for corni11g civilization that shall glow in the
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