The Gavelyte, February 1915

4 TI Hi. ,AV ' LYTE ventitlr o[ 1wril and 11c>1•1l. \ c· nt·c· living in an "J\gp on agPH tellinO'. '' W cannot dPla.v. Ii or onward, ever onward, '1c1s lic>f'Tt th motto of hi tor. · and ringing clown the· C'orridors of tltP centuri th re come,' to u. the nntrammclPd trnth of nnq11rs tioned right. Am l'ica js awake! Onr nation knows its clnt.v. Il rr pPoplP catch the prophetic glimp. e of the pas. ing o[ the clark night of' war. oon the day hall clawn, when IIP hall reign vVhose right it is to rule,' Th e J(ing of kings and Lord of lords, " "Tl1r Pril1r·r of Peace.'' '' Then nation hall not lift np. sword; )l either hall they l arn war any morr,'' but, borne along on the ·wings of morning, there shall comr 1 he full realization of that celestial harmony which, ome llirwleen hundred yea:v ago, floated out upon the midnight air, and I wa. wafted by the chorus of Heaven down to the shepherds watching on the Judean hills: Oi EARTH PEACE: GOOD Wff1L AMONG MEN.'' The Alumni Endowment Fund Growittg. ! I It was r eported in The December Gavelyte that cash to the abount of $332.82 was on deposit with the Cedarville 'Building and Ldn As-' sociation to the credit 01' "The Alumni EniJ-0wroent Fund.'' On this date, February 9, 1915, the cash balance is $449.4 5. Therefote, the sum of. $116.63 has been paid since the December report, apart of which was' cash contributions and the remainder payments on pledges. . ' For' the information and encouragement of the Alumni a ; list of ., ' those who have made pledges with the amounts and a list of cash contributors and amount follows: Aug. 21, 1914-C. C. ' Morton, 5 years ($10 .00 paid) .......... . Aug. 22: 1914-Leroy and Lulu Henderson, 5 year s ($5.00 paid) i Aug. 22, 1914-Rev. W. R. Graham, 5 years ($10.00 paid) .... , Sept. 9, 1914-S. Frank Creswell, 5 years., ................. , Sept. 15, 1'914-Alberta Creswell, 2 years ($15 .00 paild) .. ..... ·! Sept. 16, 1914-Karlh and 'Dora Bull, 5 years ($10 .00 paid) . . Sept. 1.6, 1914- 0li·ve D. Coe, 5 years ($5.00 paid) .......... J Sept. 16, 1914-Mrs. Lulu Coe Swaby, 5 years ($,5.00 p.aid) ... , Sept. 24, 1914-E. E. Finney, 5 years ... . ... ...... ........ : Oct. 8, 1914-J. Carl i\Iarshall, 5 years ....... . .... , ....... '. Oet. 8, -1914-Leroy T . ::VIarshall, 5 years ................... . $50 00 50 00 50 00 75 00 30 00 50 00 25 00 25 00 25 00 50 00 50 00