The Gavelyte, January 1906
The (~av('] Clnb of Ceclarvillt~ ('oil ~~ PreRen tH ALEXANDER R. TARR, LECTURER AND ORATOR, Who will. 'p t>ak nµon tlH' ~nlijed "Tt.e 'f ragedy and Comedy of Human Life." A FE\V OF MANY OPINIONS. PROFE 'OR Fox, of Columbus, say : 1 keenne.·s of charaC'Ler 011 ·eption His work is very good and he give j that makes him at on pl asing good sati faction wherever he goes. . 1 and original. COLUMBUS .(0.) DI PATCH: Alexander WILLIAM ._'('HELL, D. D., L. L. D., R. Tarr L~ one of the best knmvn p 'd f' y 1 , JI y res1 ent o or ( o ege, ork, Lyceum attractions of the ·ountry and his addre,s was well worth ti. Neb.: H stands where Conwell, hearing. M Intyre. Burd tte, Powers, Hub- W Mmr~GTON (D. C.) OBSERVER: Mr. bard and many others of national Tarr show the happy results of natural gifts well developed, and a fame have stood, and he proves himself equal to any of them. COMING! COMING! -Tuesday Evening, January 23. Tickets on sale at McCo11um' Jewelry Store, or may be Secured from Members of the Gavel Club. The Man You Want to Hear!
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