The Gavelyte, January 1906
The Gavelyte. VOL. 1. JANUARY, 1906. NO. College News. ! Cleveng r's Rpecialty anrl will no I . ' doubt b<:> very intereRting to th0se Prof. Edith Morris \'isited at , han- who td,e it. don, 0., du ring vacation. Mr. Carl Marshall spent a profita- Miss Mabel Moo re spent her vaca- 1 ble vacation in Bellbrook, 0. Mr. tion at her home in Elgin, Ill. I Walter Austin al:;o rusticated there. Prof. .J. r~. Cleve~ger ~nd wife I. Mr. Wm. G~·aham ~class o~ '05) n,:w spent the holiday~ with f r tend at i m the Semrnary 111 Philadelphia, Piqun, 0. j spent the holiday~ vi::;iting friendR The winter term opened with over I about town. one hundred fifty in the different \ Rev. '"'larence Yonng (cla::;s of '00) <'Ourses. I renewed old friendships and made Knowledge is powPr. Then so is I new ones in C8darville during the L~tin wh ich is obtained by the use I holiday weeks. of a one horse power. · Several new students began the Mr. Roy Marshall was busily engag- 1new term with us. Mr. Ritter comes - ed during vacation preparing for tha I here from Philadelphia, Pa. Mrs. internollegiate debate. I Auel, from Indiana, began the col- Everyone seem to be satisfied lege work with the winter term. with their Xmas presents but John Prof. J. F. levenger has made . Graham, and he still wants Moore. I several improvements about the labor– Through the efforts of Prof. Clev- I atory <luring the past few weeks. engr>r P,otany was introdnced into I Prof. Clevenger has taken great in– the college curriculum. This is Prof, I terest in the science department and
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