The Gavelyte, January 1906

UEDARVlLLE COLLlD( ;1~. G Music. I tion is the finest aclju~ct to-:- colleg- -- - JI iate training, that can be secured. Miss Belle Beazdle, the regular in- -- - - P.tructor in mu::-ic, is now on a five I For the first time this sea:on the I months leave of absencE, studying in I baskPt bail t am w,ent clown in defeat Chic-ago. ~11::-1. Ru sell,. of :incinnati, J by a s ·ore but l!ttle better than they ha. charge <,f the work rn her absence have been handrng to others. .Jan. and rep.orts that the det1ar~ment is / l.H they played the 0. '.. U., and flourishrng. Over twenty-five stu- , though beaten, w re neither out– dents are receiving in truction from I clas ed nor out-played, but simply her. out-t.rained. Ilarl our team been in We are glad, ind,•ed, to see this the same physical condition they were eloquent sign of the ta.ste and ~ulture I in toward the last of the first half, of the students of the college. It when the score was 7 to fi in our speaks well for them, it speaks well / favor, th y would have at least for the college, it speaks well for j evened the score. Better luck next Illr:;. Russell's work. i time, boys. Elocution . DIEM IN DI E . I The winter term of Elocution has ; Jan. 1. Turkey. oµene<l with Prof. Frank S. Fox, A. M., ; 2. Dyspep<;ia tablet.-. Chicken of the Capitol College of Oratury, in ! charge. This i~ the third year of i l . . I I Prof. Fox's work anc rnterest rn t 1e 1 department has steadily increased un- ! til it has become impossible for the 1 - Professor to find time for all who de- i I sire to take up the work. In order , to eeonomize time, a large class in ! Fundamentalo has been organized. \ Prof. Fox is recognized as one of ; - ·the ablest instructors in the state, if I not in the C()Untry, and his work is a roast. 3. In t.he trance. , "Shorty" locks up. 4. Working off conditions. 5. Off for Sabina. 6. Dave drives shePp. 7. Austin breakfasts at l p. m. Citizens of Columbus entf'r- tain Ware. 9. ,Jack falls down stairs. 10. 'F reshies,'look pleasant,pleasf' d1~li~ht to all who receive the lessons. When your own conduct i all it 'l'herl' i:-i no question but that Elocu- should be, criticise your neighbor's.