The Gavelyte, January 1907

The Gavelyte. VOL. II. JANUARY, 1907. NO. 1. LOCAL NEWS. Prof. Edith Morris spent her vaca– tion at her home in Sharon, Ohio. Mr. Wm. Hawthorn spent Christ– mas at hif, home in Philadelphia. Are you a subscriber of the Gave– lyte? Read the coming articles on Soc ialism. Miss Josephine Orr has been chos– en President of the "Third Hour Rack– et Clul.J." Dr. David McKinney was at the college at the inception of the Win– ter term. Mr. John Graham spent the Holi– days at the home of Miss Mable Moore at Elgin Ill. Mr. John Nash has decided to quit college this year and come back and finish next year. We are sorry to note that th~ opening of the term was clouded for some by the necessity of a re-exami– nation. Miss Ina Murdock was visiting Christmas vacation at the home of her sister Mrs. W.W. Morton Burke– ville, Va. The subject of Banking has been allowed as a substitue for Interna– tional Law this year only. Prof. Allen will teach the subject. Mr. C. G. Ware and wife were visi– ting at the home of S. K. Collins Holiday week. Many have wondered why rnrh a Prof. Frank S. Fox A. M · began good looking young man as our new ~is ~i.nter_ course at the the college I Prof. did not become a benedict. He Iuesday Jan . 8. has solved the query, stating to the We are sorry to lear~ that neither I "Tacitus'' class he does not like their Miss Mable Moore or Miss Sarah Mc- name~. Why not change them, Pro– Gown will be in college this term. I fessor?