The Gavelyte, January 1908
•) gree. This in itself is a guarantee of excellence, both of student body anrl of thP. course of instruction . The method of teaching employed is the now universally approved and widely adopted casP book system. In his hook, ~'The Art of Cross-Exami– inations". \,YpJm tn Pxplains this system, saying, "Actual casPs are studied in ordPr to get at the principles of law, instead of acqu iring those principles solPly thrnugh the "a priori" method of thP study of text books". Thinking of the law sr~hool brings to mind a desire which I have often ft.It, and that is, that more of our graduatPs wonld take up law. In our alumni we have, of thP professions, dol·tors and medical students, prPacher:-; anri theological sturlents, but of lawyt>r:-; and law students, how few! I have not a list of alumni at hand, but, of all the graduates, I can think of 0nlv onP pra ·ticing attorney anrl only onP law studPnt. · Maybe thP best reason for this lac.:k of lt->gal talent among us, ii;;, that not much has bePn thought "f the matter by the men, while in collt->gP. To s·1y that there has b en a lac 1 < of le,{ ti ability i..; ab,rnrd, ti} ::ny that a de- 1,ire to become a member of the IPgal profession is not worthy is e<iually absurrl. Wfwnce, it seems to me, thµ, best explanation i:-; that men, who might otherwise study law, have been in the position of neither thinking of them 1tter tlu:n;elvds, n-)r of hwint In I it brnught to their attention a" a dPsiralJh, and congenial voeation Of course it is nPither the deaire nor the intention of the writer to de- tract in the least from the hc ,r.orable professions mentioned, nor indeed from any other calling which a man may choose. The position taken is simply this: let a man, who ha nrit finally de1,;iderl upon his life work, con– Hider law as one of the avenuPs of a,~ tivity which will be opened to him af– ter he leaves college; let him con ider it sPriou ly, weighing its advantages and disadvantages, te. ting the questi.,n, too, whether it offers pro pects of study and work to whieh he feels adapted and which will be pleasurable and congenial employment. I feel sure, if more men in Cedarville College will do this, instead of casting asirie law without a thought. that the roster of the alumni will soon include a much larger number of lawyers and law students than it does. If such should happily be the case. I tru . t also that Columbia Law chool will appeal heartily to the intending studPnt :ind that he will endeavor to attend a school which offers the ideal advantagrs of lwing located in New York eity, of bring associated with :l g-reat modern university as one of its com– ponent parts, of having an excellent student body nncl of offering a cour. e and possessing a faculty, both of the highest rank.
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