The Gavelyte, January 1908

t 'f~J)ARVILLJiJ COLLW;Fi. 7 rlisktnM from Colleg·e life anrl brings us tlrn nt>arer to the stern. realities of the w0rl1l. The necessity of our as– suming responsibilities is presented mol'e vivi lly t ·) u;:;. When in C 1llege we lrn<l the irle~ that out· suceegs or failure depenrled upon the teachel', not thinking that "In oursrlves our . fortune lie8, life is what,we make it." No suC'h thing ever came to om mind. Hut now. college life is over the days of preparation are gone, not for a sh0rt time, Lut forever. What we are, we are. What we are not, we have little chance of ever LJPing. Another holiday vacation has <·o:1H~ The world claims our attention and an·d gone. We hope that all have pre8ents problems for solution. The been so situatPrl as to enjoy it. Since older are passing- away anrl responsi– it is ovPr WP may take it as another bilities are becoming ours. The mi!P-stonP whi<'h mnrkc; 011r grPn ter spPPr] of thP prPsPnt ::igr givPs ns