The Gavelyte, January 1909
THE GAVELY'l'E, ------- ----------------- - ---- Alumni News. PROF. J. R. FITZPATRICK, '04, EDITOR. Cedarville College Home-Coming. Notice! Everybody, look! We 'are go;ng to tell you about,one of the greatest happenings that will ever take place in Cedarville. The Horne– Coming? Yes-, Home-Coming, or rathe r a coming back .of all the Alumni and all the students that ever attended Cedarville. Do you not know what we are talking about? If not, you have not read Mr. Wright·s article in 1he ,... last issue of the GAVELYTE. As Mr. Wright announced, there bas been a . \ · 'meeting of the committee and some plans have been formed as to the best course to take to get the greatest number possible to be present this year during commencement week. We are going to write a personal letter to each one of yuu requesting· you to be present and also asking you to notify us at once if you intend to come. If you do not receive pur letter, do not blame us, it is not our fault . We do not know the present address of each one of you. Notify us where you are and we shall see that you rece ive your invitation. Form~r students and alumni, that see this, please notify all other students and alumni that you think will not see it, of our plans or kindly send us their present addre3s and we shall see that they are invited. "Do it now", you know, that we can not know where all are. Help us along that mut.:h. Just think the re are but four or five months in which we have to bring about this gigantic occurrence which so much the more neceesitates your notif 1 ing ::iii that you know or letting us know about them. Notice the GAVELYTE from month to month and see what we have to say about the progress we are making. Do not forget to let us hear from you about yourself and others. Notes Dr.. J. C. George spent Xmas at horn€', The Doctor is scherluled to ad– dress our students in chapel some of these days. Those of our number who assured the editor that they would oblige with arlic:les will confer a favor by respondi9g! if po~sil,le, for the TIPXt i~sue .
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