The Gavelyte, January 1909

CEDARVILLE. COLLEGE. 9 Prof. and Mrs. Rob Harper. of Willimette, Ill., were visitors here dur– ing thP holidays. ~1r.. J. F Barber"; 'O..t, a law student of Columbia Univeniity, spent his vacation at home. He graduates thi~ Spring. Miss Eleanor Smith was a visitor during the holidays. Alumnus, what will the year bring forth with regard to your revived interest in C. C.? Let's all respond to the appPal which heads this column. Rev. Homer McMillan was another of the returning sons. Current Events. PROF. F. A. JURKAT. The joymrnness of the holiday season is alw::iys tempered by ,the fact that Congress is in sessic:n . We nt':ver know what congressmen are going to do, but we can depend upon its being interesting, whatever it is . Just now they are standing on dignity because the President has been sitting on it. Most presidents have been sati~fied with sending _one message a year to t~ongrPss. ot so Roosevelt. He sends about one a week, and some– times two and three a day. While he' pretty well covered Lhe field with his regular annual message, and did it with his customary vigor and directness, the matter of the Secret Service seemed to strike them in the sorest spot. La:;t year Congress passed a law which restricted the employment of the ~ecret Service officials to the Treas'Jry Department. They had been used - LH>fore in hunting up frauds in other departments as well, and in investigat– ing the gigantic land frauds out West, they had disc.>vered evidence which ldnded several c-ongressmen in the penitentiary. The President's language intimatl'<l that some Congressmen might not want to be investigated, and they felt deeµly insulted at the notion of being spied upon. There waR talk for, everal days of impeaching the President for doing his sworn duty of enforcing the laws, but nothing came of it. The President capped the climax by showing that the incorruptible Tillman was concerned in an Oregon land deal. His speech 0 s in self-defence, in which he promised not to minre mattern, nid not do much hut sr.ow that tlw honorable 8enatnr