The Gavelyte, January 1910

·•11... r11 h (: , v r'l/i 1 . Ftlling \\:t1•rand within I hdf hnurl:t'ltrudeand l>o•tor lt.. gg, .Jr, ·~n· tight in~ with dPath wht>rt' th 'Y would h·WP. ~iv •n up if it had not h •n fnr (\ girl th y h \d llwi>1i in ·ollPgP nncJ f,ir l·:d whom thPy al o lov •d :i a I roth,•r. lt wn. noon beforp I lw door npt11wd and tlw J>ortor tPpp.. ri 1111 • hd wn. th• lin~t. t,> m 0 et him nnd his only word' WNP, "Com" to fattwr." J:nt, it w·1 no Ul'lP . 1'hP old man ''had run his ·our, and th me,. wa e11rl1•,I." $ • • • • :\ wrt>k hau p,, R d since the storm in th mountains and Beth had not a· yet oµ~n d he>r eyf', or m•)Ved. It wa!'l ar)y in the mr>rning and thP l'llln wa~ hining on tht' autumn leaves away up on the mountain tops for as y it wa. only p Pping abov the m0untain'R snow aps l~d wa, looking out of the window thinking of the chang the la t w k had brought with it when hP heard a rustle of th he'ets. Turnir1g h saw Beth · miling at him. He seemed to be paralized until she tried to , peak. He stepp d nearer but all he could hear wa his nam . * * * * * • • pring had come with un hine, flowers and birds before Beth wa. able to .:;it np. But as nature returned wit.h new life she became stronger, her tlweks became ro!-y and the dark circles left her eye . Ed came put from the mills one day hortly after she had gotten up. \V hen he saw her o much imrrove<l his joy had no bound . Those were the mo t beautiful and weet days of their life. Ed would rarry Beth down the winding path to the creek. Here they .vould gather flower anrl fo;ten to the ongs of the birds. Ed would tell her what kind of a fluwt>r thi one or that wa and the names of the birds. he soon be– came trnnger and they were able to lengthen their rambles until they come to the creek. There was a little mossy knoll where the sun could pierce it way between the pine needles and make a comfortable seat. Here they would it and talk of the pa t, of friends of college and of Rov but neither kne,1· an) thing about him. From thi knoll back in the forest of OrPgon came too resurrected souls who started on a holier life which will continue thru eternity. ATHLETIC NEWS. On th evening of Dec. 10, the Alford wa the cene of a great game lwtween 'lifton High 'chool and the 2nd team of edarvillfl College. Thi~