The Gavelyte, January 1910

CEDARVILLE COLLEGE. 203 wa the clo e t game of the year, a part of the time Cedarville was ahead anc.l part of the time, lifton. Fo ter, l~ft guard for Cedarville, played a tar game. In the end, our boy iost by a score of 2 to 25. Thi' game was preceded by one between the Yellow prings High chool girl' and Cedarville girl . Thi wa al o lo t by Cedarville, making two defe,1t in one night. The ·e games, especially the fir t mentioned ' how d the Jack of spirit manifested in the college a there were no songs nor cheer given to encourage our team . Now let everyone wake up and appoint a cheer leader and practice yells. Then at every game have a space re'erved for the tudent and cheer them on to victory by their inspiring 'Ong and yella. Altho the second and girls' teams have been lo ing, the first team has been keeping up it good record. On the evening of Dec. 21, Jamestown wa' defeated by a core of ()-! to 1-1. This wa really a foot ball game as both ide' roughed it up considerably. Al tho Cedarville could not win in outdoor foot ball, he can in the indoor kind as the core Qhow.. Not content with winning all their games at home, the fir t team went down to Lebanon on the evening of Dec. 16 and defeated their team 61 to 16. Field· and Palmer got the most field goals. One of the features of the game wa the fine playing of Dixon, Cedarviile's right guard, as he held his man down t0 no field goals and made 4 him elf. One of the things re– marked upon by our boys was the courte y and kindness with which they were treated by the whole tudent body of Lebanon University. When Leb– anon com.? up here to play_u , all the students should unite with the mem– bPrs of the team in giving them a cordial reception and showing them a goo<l time. One of the most di appointing games of this year wa that played Jan. 7, HllO, with a team called the "Ohio Champions." Great thing were ex– pected of thi team, a~ it was said never to have been defeated. But their prou<l record was broken at edarville for they were beaten by a sco re of 69 to 7. The gawe tarted out as tho it wa going to be a fast one. But . the wind of the hamp had suffered too severe a train in the game of the 1nevious evening, . o that it de erted them at thi time and caused the game to be called sev ral times. Cedarville now has a record of which to be JJroud . May our slogan be: "Let us suffer no defeat on our own floor."