The Gavelyte, January 1910

CEDARVILLE COLLEGE. 205 ohe GAVE Ly TE' I With this number b~gin~ the fifth 1·c1;1.1s11i,;11 B\ rn~; I volume of th e Gavelyte. ..: ince the STUDENTS OF CEDARVILLE COLLE6E. ,, paper has be.en sta.rted it has passed thru many d1fficult1es and ha,_ b<:>en at A 10NTHLY PUBLICATION no time in a pro ' p11rous c:on<lition. Enti>re<l as econd Ch.;; )l1til )llltter, in the But the publication ha been <:O lllili– PllSt Oflieeat Ced1trville, Ohi o, Jitnuttry HJ, 1906. ued With the hope that SOmc: time \ f. e Edi to r in Chief .ED\\' ARD HA\\', '10 alumni and friends of th e College may .-bsul"iatE' l!:ditor \\'. l'. H.\RRL\lA , '11 take enough intere t in it to t:OntrilJ- Liternry Editor - -' 11 • ' .JE .\ N :,.;J~'L'TE ORR, 'OO Ute Something to it along literary l:lociety Editor:-< I ;'Ill ,, ADA ALLE ''10 } • 1 EARL ;'lleCLJU,LA., 'l:l ines, or at lea t, to help it unt fin an . Athl etic· Editor CHARLE YOHO, 'HJ ;'ILi GRA CE HE 'KLEY , •12 cially. We realize that the paper f,ocal Eclitor,; \\"ENDELL FO TER '12 d / HOWARD .\l<:GAFl•' lcK: ·1a oes not come up to the standard, .uumni r:ditor · -'11:S CA RRI~ ~' r NEY, :u8 jl set by our critic , for it falls far be- Hu..;ine"'s -'lgr. - l>. J. RRL G H ,Df , 10 I ·d I S "II h" . ,· . . ' .. ) '. I<'. 1/RESW~L~. :1? , ow ~Ur I ea s. . ti_ '. t IS ought not A~~t. Husrne~,.. -'lg1,, . - I DEw/i, 1 ~\~~1{f·. g i to hmder them m giving helpful sug- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ j gestions, but rath er, it should be an . . . . . i incentive for them to lend a hand and By far the mo t mterestmg topic make it what it was intended to be, a of conver ation among the student~, I help and an inspiration for the col– at ~he pre ent writing, is the College j lege and her students. The motto of minstrel, to be given April 1st, 1910.1 the Gavelyte has been, is, and always Watch these co lumn' for further an-, will be, "BOOST." nouncement - I --------- Table Etiquette. The tate Oratorical conte. t is to _ be held Feb. 11, at Mt. Union collt!ge, The new village administration has Alliance, 0. The colleges to be rep- passed an ordin3nce embodying a num– resented are: Mt. Union, Hiram, Heid- ber of rules for th e regulation of elberg, Wittenberg, Otterbein, Musk-, such reso rts as F'inney's, Aunt Mary 's, ingum, Ohio Northern and Cedarville. Ritter' new club, etc. Among th e -Ceda rville'· repre entative is Dewitt various provi.:ions are the following: Morgan, '12, wh 1 will deliver his ora- Don't leave your poon sticking in tion, " nheralded Heroi sm." Mr. your teacup- . hove it up you r sleeve! Morgan ha the hearty good wishes Don't wear your napkin for a bib- of th(l. tudent bo<ly. wh at's you r nerktie for?