The Gavelyte, January 1910
CEDARVILLE COLLEGE. 209 --··-·---- .J 1H~phin ·~: - DdWitt, I have to I BOY DROWNED: - Howar<l Harbison, write a paper for literary on 'The I born 1889, died .Jan. 10, 1910, bPttn Woman Who Deliberate. is Lost.' , known to his cla~smate~ as "Dudt:>," Have you any ·ugges tions to make? I lost after the repeated t:'ff orts of th P. DeWitt: - Well, [ don't know, you I professor in charge and hicl fellow might make it 'extinct' instead of students to s::1ve him. Aft.,r strug-g- 'lost' ling for some time in the sPa of Pt'd- Or. McChesney and Prof. Allen: agogy he threw up his hand:,; and "Good morning, Prof." stopped paddling with his feet. The "Good morning, Dr. As I was corn- professor and classmates sang " Throw ins;?; up just now, I saw a fight between Out the Life Line," IJut it was t uo a brindle bull dog and a mastiff, and late and he sank beneath tr. e swelli ng upod my word, Dr , more than a doz- tide. Only a few bubbl es remained en college boys wern standing wat...:h- to show the place of his last heroic ing it. How can they take such an I struggle. These soon burst and the interest in such thing:,? ' waters regained their peaceful but al - ''I <lon't know, Prof. Which dog luring surface. Blessed are the dead won?" who pass away in class. x++++++++++++++++++++++++~ t HEADQUARTERS FOR COLLEfiE BOYS i + + + + t Fine Clothing and Furnishing Goods i + Get the H .abit. Trade at HOME! + + + + + + + + HOME Clothing + t Com))any i t Young Men's Outfitters ; + New Bank Block = Cedarville, Ohio. + + + ~~++++++++++++++++++++++++
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