The Gavelyte, January 1910
1!111 I'll f: f ; \ \' LI,) TI·,, \'11l11tin11 or 1)11' gyrn · hippn<'arnpu. . ,'nwll iR r',LllHPd by f'tlluvia, g-:1 " and \'Hpnr:, whii-1, lit11·on11•. oh1hlt> 111 I h" rn111·ui; lining, a dwm1 ·al rlrnng.-. pro during I lw 1wn·pption or an od, r. Th• pPr,.. ptiv1• poWPI' of Rm,·11 i. lowl't th,1n I hat nf any nth •r ~emw, nnd yPt marvpJon ... in:-1lanr. of it d1 li,·:wy nrP rt•t·,1niPd \'alt•ntin di>l'lan•s that nnP-t lireP hutHln•d millinntlH1 nf a grain nf lllll~k <'an lw IH'!'<'eivt>cl. The l\t>rlouins rr 'ognir.r> lhP . mPI] of' lirP :~11 ur 11) milt·~ away. Tlw iwnsP-JwrrPptJOn of RmPII i: a mental • tatP . Whil,• ome material objPrt t:>rnitttng plfiuvia or odor: is an nc·ca:ifJn ,,f . m 11 and th~ olfactory n rve with it~ nasal appt>ndag s is th• medium whif'h re,·Pivt•H, modiliP:-, anJ transmit:,:, the od r, th immediate c·au.·e, after all, of thP sen e-perreption of Rm ll is some int rior activity of thP brain, previou ly m ntioned . The only knowledg we g t of the , n. P of m 11 i: odor. (t. give: n{'ith r plare nor exten on of body. Our nPxt articlP will continue the Rpecial , ensP . A Letter from Dr. Alford. Lo:,:, AngP}es, Cal., December 2~, 190!). The (;avelyte- Your issue of December in tant received ye:– terday. It appears to be a gooo numher. There i. a call in it for money. I have written you once (or oftener) for a tatement of my acc't. Have re– ceived no reply. EncloRed find my check for two dollars. Thi will pay for two years. I paid for it when I wa la tat Cedarville. .Ju t how long ago that waR I cannot tell. I enclo e 'LIPPrnG from the "Chri. tian In tructor,'' and QUOTATION from the Phila. Pre hyterian, which plea. P publish in your next i ,UE: of "The GAVELYTE." l rrES, Fl'L IXTERFERE~rE. lipping from the hri tian In:::tructor nf December 1-!, 1909. Over in a Jerey town a football game wa: to have been played on a recent Saturday afternoon, but there wa no game. The High chool team did not line up. ThP Pxplanation for their failure wa interesting. The mothers of the boy had notified the principal of the school not to allow their sons to play and warned him that if he did and injurie re ulted they would hold him personally re ponsible. There you have another illu tration of thi per istent interference with per:;onal liberty on the part of the women. If the:;e boys wanted to play
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