The Gavelyte, January 1910
CEDARVILLE OLLEGE. 197 football and break their legs and necks. pray, what right had their mothers to interfere? If the principal wanted to get glory for his school at the cost of a few lives why should the mothers so unceremomously call a halt? Was this not an unwarranted interference with his personal liberty as well as that of the boys? Rut these American mothers seem to have very little regard for the rights of people. Few of them will allow their boys the personal liberty of getting drunk if they can prevent it. And they would mighty 100n take away the personal liberty of the saloon ke(~per who pockets the cash and make'> their boys drunk, if he were not protected by the law. Of coursP, his personal liberty is safe and unassailable so long as the voters continue to fill our legislative halls with such examples of statemanship as were fonnrl in the 137 serfs of the Russianized machine-brewery combination which dominated Harrisburg last Winter.- Keystone Citizen. Quotation from Presbyterian of December 15, 1909, as follows: The Board of ~ducation, of Greatn New York, has banned football from the public school. The Board called experts before it, and gathered opinions most carefully, before it took the action. COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY banned foot– ball two years agu, as the feeling against it because of many fatalities is growing rapidly. In 13ome schools it has been announced that parents have forbidden their 11onl:i to play on football teams, and this had directed the attention of thP i-;tudent to other less dangerous form s of athletics. Note the clipping fr om Ins tructor. Yourn for ane and safe Athletics, JOH1 ALFORD. The Wreck.. ELWOOD P. HOWELL. It was a beautiful balmy day in early October. The leaves on the trees were just bt->ginning to turn to the many autumnal tint s. The squirrel s - ·chattered in the trees and the blackbirds noisily made their presence known. Far down in the valley nn automobile was moving swiftly along the highway leaving a great cloud of dust in its wake to penetrate into the fr1>Khly deaned hou ~es and to fill the eye of the other users of thP- highway. 8wift1.v thP machine ascended the hill road and waR . oon ]oRt from ight .
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