The Gavelyte, January 1910
l!l I ,\ whilt> nftt,r. a Ht'l'onrl ma,·hinP mad,• itH llppPa1ancP and n!'I i Wf'nt rmwh fa ·L1'r than tlw fin-it and WPnt. in tlw Hiltn rlin •c· tion hP n, ural r· inn \\'a~ l hnt 1t, was pursuing- t hP first . ,\ Hl'harlt>:-. .'runhrns~ not.i Prl t lw ~Penn el marhinP Ap Pd nlnng th road bPlnw and nppear to lw pon~uing Homi:>thing, hu-1 naturnl lovr. of ad – v nturt> rau,J rl him to stop hi :-. lazy ocrupation of hun ing quirrel :-. and to mount his motor cy le and dP nd into th vnllPy aH rapidly aH lw conlrl. II follow d th automobile up the hill on h other Rirl of thP vall y and snon <l i, · ppea red . Let us follow th fir ' t automobil and ee what happ n . On th front at w see th driv r and a g ntleman in cl rical clothes, in th rear a young lady and gentleman. From our po ition in the r ar w can not se their face but fr m the po ition of hi~ arm we judg that they are not in the fir t . tage of arquaintance. uddenly she turn around and ees another automobile i rapidly ap– proaching from the rear, after orne excited ge luring the gentleman in clerical clothes remove his hat and takes a book from his pock t, the two in the rear seat rise and he of the clerical clothe;:; say a few word then all three it down. At this moment they are overtaken by the automobile. In the , eat beside the driver sits an elderly gentleman who appears to be angered about something. On second thought we decide that this i Enraged Papa. Both machines stop and Enraged Papa gives the young folk a good lecture. It really does not seem to do much good for the newly-wed hold each oLher hands and gaze into the moky di tance. Charle punbra ' ar– rives, and when he is informed by the drivers of what ha taken place he alrno t collap es but is sustained by a drink of water. Charles calling the parent a ide tell him that the minister is not ordained and that con equent– ly hi daughter is not married. The plea ed parent givP him a cigar. The young lady who wa approaching her father overhear the conver– !'lation, and is about to flee to the other machine, but a the young man turns to face the \\ ind to light hi cigar he recognize him a her lover of old whom she thought to be dead. ,'he approarhe him and ay , "You! I thought you were dead." Whereupon harle ay~. ''I soon will be unle" you will return with your father and I to tbe city and marry me.' he de– murely acquie ce for she had alway" loved him be t. They had parted
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