The Gavelyte, January 1911

<'Otll'I\I Iln ion to 11 't'I'( ,in th' ntim 'nl nf thl' Ht11dent body nn th• mattPr, K I 11w lni\''r~ity of \ iA om11n hnH I ,lllnptul th• Nlttdl•nt courl AJAl m of R ·prnm 'Ill to aid th, faculty in lh T()\' 'rnm<'nl of th univ rsity. Thru thi. c urt th ·tudentA of th univ r– ~ity pr Rent lh ir claim anrl with th aid of this court th fa ulty will know what student sentim nt is cone ming the lif of the university. The heaviest man who played at Yale I ince 1900 weigh d 265 pounds; the tallest man was 6 feet, 4 inches, and The man who wishes for the oldest was 26 years. Nineteen play- the latest - ers under twenty years have been on the squad since 1900. I We help him - "The Colleges ought to be turning I We wrestle with the new out men and women who can enter in-1 things reject freaks and ap- telligently into a world life"- President ' King of Oberlin in address on "College I ply our experience and judge– Democracy." Recently the Purdue women adopted a new distinction for all freshmen girls. Hereafter all freshmen girls are to wear green caps. The ruling is strin– gently enforced. · 'Support our Advertisers. '' ment generally. That's why our winter suits and overcoats are so popular. Suits $12.50to $30- youths sizes $10 to $20. Overcoats $15 to $35. I "Take the elevator for Smart Clothes!" GRAVES & MEADE First Balcony. The Arcade. Third, Fourth or Ludlow St. Entrance. Dayton, Ohio. I